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I believe in the work rather than the words moreover I believe in the perfection rather than the work.
Neither luck nor job, just hard working is the key to success.
I believe in thorough working with end results, though for some luck works but not ever time and organization having history of years are example of consistent and restless working. At individual level, I strongly believe in SWOT analysis and then learning to enhance professional working with aim to lead and share. So keep learning, keep growing and do share. Success is not by chance or event it is deliberate effort toward a goal or target.
سؤال هام...
أعتقد أن فكرة (الحظ) وجدت لتبرير الأخطاء... أي أننا اعتدنا على إحالة ما يواجهنا من أمور على الحظ, وخاصةً الأمور السلبية, وذلك لنبرر تقصيرنا أو فشلنا...
أنا شخصياً... لا أعتقد بالحظ... ولأكون أكثر دقة... أرى أن الإنسان يصنع حظه بيده... فما حالك الحالي إلا ما أردته أنت لنفسك...
فإذا أردت أن تصنع حظك بيدك... فقم بالخطوات التالية:
- ضع هدفاً محدداً.
- ثابر للوصول إليه وابذل كل جهد في سبيله.
- آمن بأنك كائن جبار بطبيعتك البشرية... وأنك قادر على تحقيق المعجزات.
- عش اللحظة... بمعنى... أن عليك أن تعيش وقتك كما لو كنت قد وصلت إلى مبتغاك فعلاً.... أي... عش بمتعة المنتصر المثابر.
وستصل حتماً...
خُلق الانسان ليسعى ولم يُخلق ليؤمن بالحظ ويقعد . والانسان الناجح هو الذي يستجيب بشكل ايجابي للعوامل المؤثرة ويكون هو الفعال فيها ولايدعها تتحكم في تصرفاته ويستسلم لها وفي قصص النجاح للكثير من الناس ما يؤكد ذلك
Very interesting question. Hope you understand the difference between 'an effective manager' and a 'successful manager'. Interestingly all effective managers are not successful and 'most' successful managers are not effective. If we count instances of 'luck' that made someone successful there would be too many. a layman who witnesses these instances of luck tend to believe that it is more luck that matters than persistence for success. it is true that 'luck' favours a chosen few - but it is not the way of life. in fact, there are more men and women on earth who attain effectiveness through persistence than luck, but their stories mostly remain untold. on the contrary there would be too many men and women who pass the word on luck that struck on someone and there are too many such stories in the air. there are also people who dispense with hardwork hearing these few success stories and end up ruining life.
anyway thanks for the question.
المثابرة في العمل لابد منها فالمنافسة غالبا ما تكون قوية على المناصب والترقيات وغيرها والسماء لاتمطر ذهبا - كما يقال - أما الحظ إذا أتى فمرحبا به :)
المثابرة للنجاح
we was three sales men when we sharing in computer exhibition , the goal was to promot our courses and achieve high level of sales , the obstacles was ( exhibition came in bad time ) when all the student preparing to them exams , my coworker sale just one course ) in whole4 days . there was some other activities 'a little lecturefor publicities and small quiz papers ( peep show to draw one free course winner ) way just to encourage the visitor come to our hall , my idea was ( consider these papers a real customers ) and use it not throw it away . I talked to the marketing manager and I make wide database from these papers and I contact them back and I give them the same exhibition offer but to2 month later , and I could arrange35 course sale on my own .