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الحالات التي تقل فيها سرعة الترسيب هي كالاتي:
1- مرض فشل عضلة القلب
2- انيميا الخلايا المنجلية
3- نقص الفيبرينوجين بالدم
4- انخفاض نسبة البروتين بالدم نتيجة خلل بالكبد او الكلي
5- ازدياد عدد كرات الدم الحمراء PRV
The ESR is a simple non-specific screening test that indirectly measures the presence of inflammation in the body. It reflects the tendency of red blood cells to settle more rapidly in the face of some disease states, usually because of increases in plasma fibrinogen, immunoglobulins, and other acute-phase reaction proteins. ESR may decrease due to the following factors: Abnormally shaped RBC (sickle cells, spherocytosis) and technical factors like short ESR tubes, low room temperature, delay in test performance (>2 hours), clotted blood sample, excess anticoagulant, bubbles in tube. Moreover, Polycythemia decreases ESR.
Factor V deficiency Hypoalbuminemia Poikilocytosis Polycythemia vera Sickle cell anemia
congestive heart failure
1 -conditions such as arthritis (heart problems), Anaemia syndrom( Sickle cell anaemiae).
2 - Low of Group Aloxillerin the V