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keep press shift key cum press F3
Just Select the text and then press on keyboard Shift+F3
please use formula "upper()"
If you are using Excel, insert a column beside the column you want to change in capital letters. in the empty cell, type =upper()... inside the brackets click on the first cell you want to change and then copy the formula up to the last word.
Click Caps Lock in keyboard
First highlight the sentence or text you wish to change then go to the home tab in the Font Group, then to change case; the select UPPER CASE/ or You can use the keyboard by first highlighting the text then press SHIFT and F3 buttons at once until the text changes to CAPITAL LETTERS
Microsoft Word
Select the text for which you want to change the case. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Change Case. Choose the option UPPERCASE from the dropdown list.
Select the Text, Press Shift F3 till you get the desired result.
Microsoft Excel
Please enter the formula
= UPPER (Cell Address) and the word will convert to UPPER Case.
easy press [caps lock] in your keybord then write the word you like. Hope it helpec