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Following points may help as guidelines for good planning strategy.
1.Sound knowledge of your field of working
2 A thorough market intelligence
3 Market demand
4 If there is no demand then plan to create this demand
5 Strong marketing of your product.
6 Set Targets.
7 Develop the Methodology to achieve the targets.
8 Develop the ways to overcome the snags.
9. Follow the progress.
Strong vigil on your team
You can't have a plan until you have a strategy.
And you can't have a strategy until you have a goal.
Goals should normally be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented and Time-bound (SMART). Your goal should always be really, really, clear to everybody involved.
in my Thought :
- its Sales Forecast ,
- Machine Capacity
- Store Capacity Vs Shelf life and Machine Capacity
- Delivery time for RM as well As for Finish goods ( two ways )
Thanks for your invite. A person with the elements as good analytical skills and the one "who can perceive the perceptions " of the market, competition and the business environment can be a good planning strategist.
It is less specific than an action plan (which tells the who-what-when)
by working hard on it and believing wht your are do is some that your real wht to achieve some..