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How do you raise your brand involving community voice and which are the threats for it?

The community where you are involved can raise or destroy a brand and it's a big challenge to have the community voice on your side. 

Question added by Adrian Enache , Sales Executive , Prego LLC
Date Posted: 2016/01/12
Hussan Syed
by Hussan Syed , Senior Marketing Manager , M.H Alshaya

Marketing had evolved from a monologue, where brands concentrate on outbound commmunications using ATL mediums such as TV, print and radio into a dialogical form where listening to consumers is just as, if not even more so important than them listening to you. This paradigm shift has been heavily influenced by the internet and more specifically social media. Social proofing, online reviews, the ability for customers to share their experience to hundreds and thousands of people in a few hours, has meant that social sentiment can elevate and destroy a brand overnight. In order for brands to raise their status, it is crucial that they listen through as many channels as possible and respond in a timely and information fashion. The threats of course is that the internet is full of ‘trolls’. People whose sole purpose is to denigrate and destroy. It is important that customers see how you deal with people in a professional and polite manner. You cannot leave a negative statement about your brand unanswered. Every complaint you have is a chance to impress people with your customer service. Grab it with both hands.

Christian Keith Larroza
by Christian Keith Larroza , Sales and Marketing Manager , Dhofar Global LLC

Involving the community voice surely requires research and study of the current demand in the market as well as the buying behavior of such community. To get them involved, it is best to know their common need in a particular product. Additionally, a company should know their position in the market and how the consumers perceive them.

The threats lying on your brand involving the community voice is perhaps not knowing the need before campaign and not asking the right sample and question.

azeem azeem
by azeem azeem , Data Management Executive. , Nestle Pakistan.

What is your personal brand? Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos once said, "Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room." Of course, you'll never be able to control what people say about you behind your back, but there are steps you can take, mostly online, that can enhance their perception of your professional skills.


Unlike a large enterprise, most of us lack a marketing budget to persuade colleagues, clients, and customers to see us as we want to be seen. Networking coach David Fisher, writing on the topic of personal branding for the Business 2 Community blog, opines that most of us are "on the quiet side" when it comes to trumpeting our successes and talents, a too-humble trait that makes personal branding a bit of a challenge. The good news: You can share your career victories without sounding obnoxious. We've put together 10 brand-building tips that won't make you look insufferably boastful to others. Even better, they won't cost a lot of money -- although some will take a lot of time -- to implement.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

The community voice can pertain to local interests and tastes. However, understanding the distinct traits and market forces would be a key aspect to raise the brand over and above everything. Also certain brands needs to maintain the glocal image when its evident that we do also care about the local interests. 


The primary threats to the voice would be the clutter which in a local market involves various aspects such as brand recognition, brand identity and brand image. sometimes, our brand might be a global phenomenon. However, locally it might an unknown.. Hence, to position the same in accordance to the local market would be more idealistic in terms of mixing the right 4Ps

ahmed hatim
by ahmed hatim , Sales And Marketing Manager , Greasebusters saudi

i think when you foucs on the quilty of your brand with a resonable price no question you raise your involving community .understanding community culture is an advanteges if you don't it will be abig threat for your brand.

by HASSANE DENNAOUI , Marketing Director , Fusion Media Group

By using local values/local celebreties/local flavour :)

osman javaid
by osman javaid , manager , alkharafi

The brand should be completetly client based and on consumer orientation to satisfy the need of a consumer from its figure to avoid the threat one must be loyal and preservative to the product in want statisfying nature

Joana Marie Gonzales
by Joana Marie Gonzales , Call Center Agent , SITEL

developing great product are the best. the threat for it is when there is a company who are trying to make same product with lower price.

krunal virendrakumar bhatt
by krunal virendrakumar bhatt , back office and field work , bhagwati aviations services private limited

we must have to developed good product which is useful for customers and as per te demand in the market.

by SHYNE M DEVADAS , Business head for South kerala , Suns inc A division of Aditya Birla Fashion&Retail Ltd

Unlike a large enterprise, most of us lack a marketing budget to persuade colleagues, clients, and customers to see us as we want to be seen. 

Ahmed K Arman Hazarika
by Ahmed K Arman Hazarika , Director Marketing Business Development , MAM Perfumes LLC

Community voice though an attractive base for brand value enhancement through "authentication" as third party communicators, however it has its own pitfalls. In contemporary marcomm plans Social or community media is just unavoidable for most FMC goods. But company needs to design such communication in such a way that it does not fall into such pitfalls. For instance:-

- Negative comments and criticism (which might not be a fact but community speakers might have got it wrong due to half hearted messaging by company or message design shortcoming.

- Create unnecessary controversy over goods/services, which might lead to negative results in consumer perception

- The old saying "any publicity is good publicity" does not hold good in the case of community voice. Hence communication designers need to be very careful not to attract such remarks, in order to avoid getting into unnecessary time wasters.


Company cannot have control over community voice as to which way it woud lead the message. At the same time one cannot delete this platform entirely from the company's marcomm plan. Some pitfalls will certainly happen...but as long as the planners/designers focus on core message objective and avoid unwanted frills, such pitfalls could be minimised. 

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