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Prepare a draft marketing plan for Real Estate Company in Global market?

Question added by Mohammed Ashraf , Director of International Business , Saqr Al-Khayala Group
Date Posted: 2016/02/29
Deleted user
by Deleted user

Today's market is not for beginners in Real Estate, the market is heading down for investors and it's heading in a good place for customers. I suggest for current market to attempt to market to a selective market. 

Katarzyna Sligowska
by Katarzyna Sligowska , Product Expert , Mango-Media

There is no answer for free for that kind of question ;)

Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod
by Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod , Deputy DIRECTOR of Education , Head of Department of Social Science , St. Jerome Snr High School

  1. Possess or develop core abilities – In an era of unprecedented lack of trust in financial institutions and financial services, it is important that a real estate salesperson possess certain core abilities as a prerequisite to doing business in that they understand not just the products and services they are selling, but the environment in which they are conducting business, as well as the needs and wants of their customers. A real estate salesperson must, at the very least, have the financial wherewithal, business acumen, and understanding of the legal landscape in order to handle a variety of multi-faceted, complex, and multi-party interactions both efficiently and effectively.
  2. Promote the perception of ability – A salesperson’s perception of ability is only as strong as their worst critic’s opinion of them. According to Kyle Lacythere are no shortcuts to establishing a good reputation. “Focus on providing something awesome, gently ask the clients who love you the most to get the word out for you, and wait. Your awesomeness will sell itself, in time.” In addition to working hard and establishing a solid reputation, you can leverage your perception through public relations efforts, whether it be speaking at an industry event, writing a column for a local business journal, or sharing a case study that is relevant to the community’s economic development efforts.
  3. Be consistent – According to John Jantsch, veteran marketing coach, award winning blogger, and author of Duct Tape Marketing, “consistency builds trust.” Whether it be producing a monthly newsletter, a quarterly report, a reoccurring event in your market, or always returning calls within a certain amount of time, establishing consistency in your approach to business will build trust over time: the foundation for solid relationships.
  4. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely) – From a recent article entitled “12 Things Successful People Do Differently,” the authors suggest that successful people tend to create S.M.A.R.T. goals. This surely holds true for real estate professionals. By formulating goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to the business, and timely, S.M.A.R.T. goals are more fastidiously realized and achieved.
  5. Cultivate the right relationships – This one speaks for itself. Whether your goal as a real estate professional is to sell more properties, represent more buyers, gain additional market share, or be a resource to the community at large – make sure you’re spending time formulating the types of relationships that lend themselves to accomplishing such objectives.
  6. Focus on being productive, not busy – There are brokers who talk about doing things and then there are brokers who get things done. Spend your time accomplishing goals and objectives, resolving issues, and being proactive as opposed to filling in extra time with distractions, unnecessary meetings that do not affect your bottom line, or activities in general that do not tie in with your overall strategy.
  7. Find ways to efficiently match buyers and sellers – These days there are countless technologies, both proprietary and subscription-based, that strive to quickly and efficiently match buyers with sales opportunities. While purchasing mailing lists and email lists is generally frowned upon, there are still certain individuals who will subscribe to such marketing practices; fortunately this type of “annoying marketing” is not sustainable. In fact, it is quickly dying because consumers are fast becoming immune to this type of messagingA better (and more authentic) strategy focuses on leveraging opt-in communication, nurturing leads, and being a present, integrated force in your local market who is well-versed in the needs of its respective buyers and sellers.
  8. Leverage platforms to promote product and service offerings – There are a variety of platforms that work to promote your product and service offerings. By continuously monitoring the effectiveness of such platforms, you can adjust your usage of each service to meet the level that most effectively matches your business goals.
  9. Create an inbound marketing plan – For brokers who rely on cold calling, direct mail, and newspaper advertising, the audience for such messaging is quickly dwindling. Much more effective than an outbound marketing strategy is an inbound marketing plan where business flows in to you based on the information and resources you put out to the world so that people can find you, whether it be through establishing a blog or Twitter account, joining a specific LinkedIn group, or formulating a social media strategy in general. Click here for an overview of how one individual is managing his personal inbound marketing effort.

In short, to be successful at marketing real estate there are no shortcuts. Building asuccessful strategy requires taking a look at the whole picture; building a strong business requires hard work, critical thinking, and strong execution skills. You must not only have the know-how, the strategic approach, and the appropriate team in place to actualize goals, but the alignment of sales and marketing efforts in order for the business to grow.

souha safir
by souha safir , إدارية , قطاع التربية

Thanks to the experts on these answers

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Marketing Vision

Titicus Realtors seeks to make first-time home buyers comfortable, happy, and worry-free both during the home buying process and even after their closings. By doing this, Titicus hopes to build a reputation as THE real estate agent in southern Connecticut for first-time home buyers, effectively eliminating competition within their market.

This marketing plan details the current and new marketing programs and practices of Titicus Realtors which will lead to establishing and consolidating this reputation.


Get practical ideas and good models with dozens of examples of successful

marketing plans with Sales and Marketing Pro.



Titicus Realtors will pursue the following specific goals:

Personal Goals for Earl Estates, owner of Titicus Realtors:

  • Hire an additional agent before workload cuts into time necessary for marketing and company direction
  • 20 invitations to area speaking engagements in 2012

Business Goals:

  • Exceed $1 million in revenue in 2010, $1.3 million in 2011, $1.7 million in 2012
  • Exceed 900 leads in 2012

Strategic Goals

  • Be ranked in the top 5 real estate agencies for first-time home buyers in Fairfield County by Fairfield Homes Magazine
  • Achieve 100% customer satisfaction

Tactical Goals

  • Customer testimonials of at least three sentences written by 75% of successful home buyers
  • Increase number of agents employed by Titicus Realtors to four by the end of 2012


Titicus Realtors seeks to make the process of buying a first home a relief for clients, offering them such great service that all of their fears associated with the process will disappear. Through this, Titicus Realtors hopes to make home ownership, and the financial, emotional, and psychological value that comes with it, happen for as many people as possible. Ideally, the ideas and process of how customers are treated at Titicus will be shared with similarly-minded real estate agents in other towns and states so that the reach of the company's impact goes well beyond its locale.


A couple signing up with Titicus Realtors will find themselves surprised from their first interaction about the level of care and thoroughness. Through simple language and some probing questions, the real estate agent will unearth the couple's desires for their home as well as their fears. The Titicus agent seems to have seen it all before, yet does not come off as cocky or dismissive of these fears - such as the couple's fear of being taken advantage of, of buying more home than they can afford, of learning about issues with the home only after the closing, or of spending more than they should. On the contrary, the Titicus agent will provide information and assistance that shows the couple from the start that there is no need to be exceedingly anxious through this process. That anxiety will slip away as the couple's trust for their agent builds and it will be replaced by a feeling of excitement and adventure as the couple starts to see each home as a possibility.

Gap Dashboard

The Gap Dashboard represents the quantification of the key personal, business, strategic and tactical goals for Titicus Realtors. The results in all of these areas will be tabulated once a month based on the accumulation of the week's key marketing metrics as well as other items which are not tracked by the company's systems (such as the personal goals). Furthermore, rating by Fairfield Homes occurs on an annual basis only and will be entered when the ratings are released. Earl Estates is responsible for accumulating the data to check against the goals each month. He will note gaps and decide whether original goals were too lofty or whether the shortfalls were within the control of Titicus Realtors.

Gap Dashboard


 Year 1Year 2Year 3Personal   Invitations to speaking engagements81420Other000    Business   Revenue$1,039,500$1,307,700$1,727,820Leads692830996    Tactical   % of customer writing testimonials60%70%75%Number of agents234    Strategic   Rating by Fairfield Homes for first-time home buyers864Customer satisfaction rate90%98%100%


Ideal Customer

The ideal customer for Titicus Realtors is a young couple (let's call them the Smiths). The Smiths have been renting a home in New York City, but now seek to move to the suburbs, although within commuting distance of New York. They have a one-year-old child and would like to live in an area with the best possible public school system and a comfortable environment, similar to the small towns they grew up in. The Smiths are not familiar with Ridgefield, Connecticut, beyond what they have read on their own and having driven through a few times. They desire help not just with finding a home that meets all of their needs, but also advice from someone who knows the entire town and the ins and outs of moving in. Furthermore, this is the first home the Smiths will buy and they are a bit out to sea on all of the implications and legal hurdles. Although they are well-read on the subject, most of what they read suggests that they find a real estate agent who they feel they can trust, especially if the agent may be working under dual agency. Therefore, trustworthiness, knowledge, and experience are the key elements the Smiths look for in a real estate agent.


Remarkable Difference

Titicus Realtors is THE real estate agency for first-time home buyers in Ridgefield, Connecticut. While second home or retirement home buyers may feel they should look elsewhere, first-time home buyers quickly understand that Titicus focuses specifically on their needs and has the experience to make them comfortable with the entire process and even the prospect of moving to a new town.



Titicus Realtors differentiates itself through its focus on the specific market niche: first-time home buyers looking for a suburban Connecticut residence within commuting distance of NYC. Titicus seeks to represent only individuals and couples buying their first home, although others will not be turned away.

To this end, Titicus takes a decidedly "non-slick" approach by holding careful and thoughtful sessions with clients to answer all of their questions, as well as general information sessions and seminars for prospective clients. Titicus publishes a "how to buy your first home" guide on their website with the best information from the web along with their own advice. Titicus seeks to align all of their activities with serving this market niche.


Core Strategy

Titicus Realtors will position itself as experts on shepherding first-time home buyers comfortably through the process of buying a home they like and can afford.

These measurable results will show Titicus that it is achieving its goals over the next three years:

  • Increase in qualified leads (first-time home buyers) by 50% in 2010 over 2009 and 20% in the following years
  • Decrease in non-qualified leads to under 5% of total leads
  • Conversion of qualified leads to clients increasing to 30%
  • Decrease of client switching to other real estate agents to under 10%
  • Increase in percentage of clients that successfully buy a home within one year of inquiry to 75%
  • Customer testimonials of at least three sentences written by 75% of successful home buyers

Core Branding Elements

Titicus Realtors brands itself by paying attention to the following:

  • Simplicity: All marketing materials and written statements are jargon-free. Images are not busy, but focused on one clear idea. The effect is intended to show that Titicus is comfortable in its choice to serve a particular market niche and serve it well.
  • Customer relief: Images (photos of past clients) on the website, advertisements, and marketing materials focus on the happy couples and families that Titicus has placed in homes and include captions with short statements from the clients describing the relief they felt by being shepherded through the process by a real estate agent that they could trust and that understood their particular needs.
  • Consistent logo: The name of Titicus Realtors will always appear in blue and white in a simple, consistent type face.
  • Transparency: Paramount to retaining the trust of customers is that answers to key questions can all be found easily within materials and are volunteered to customers in all interactions. For example, Titicus must explain that while it does make a higher commission from a higher selling price, it bases its entire business model on satisfied customers who are treated fairly and the referrals and testimonials that result from doing so.
  • Tagline: "Your First Home Purchase Made Easy"



I apologized for the answer I do not know the answer Leave for professionals

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

full agree with mr. abdulrahman or should be have a huge budget to can fight on this field


Faizan Ahmad
by Faizan Ahmad , Regional Head - Digital Sales , Kasturi and Sons Ltd (The Hindu Group)

Not having much experience in Real Estate. Apologies.

Khalid Ghaffar
by Khalid Ghaffar , Consultant for Business Development , Waters Corporation USA

Dear Ahmed: I need some more information in order to prepare a marketing plan. IT required extra efforts and time and if you are interested in it let me know offline so we can work together accordingly.

Rami Abbas
by Rami Abbas , Sales Manager , Al Houda Contracting and Real Estate Development

It's not that simple really ! 


First you need to know how big is your project.Are you planning for a commercial or a residential estate?What about your competition ?How much is your budget ?

and really lot of other questions. not that simple really.



Gourab Mitra
by Gourab Mitra , Manager IT Project Program and Delivery Management(Full Time Contract/Consulting Role) , IXTEL(

Deliver to the needs after doing survey of the specific markets that you are catering to.

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