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What are the responsibilities of inspecting wing?

Question added by Wasi Rahman Sheikh , Warehouse Supervisor , AL MUTLAQ FURNITURE MFG
Date Posted: 2016/02/29
Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS...............Thanks.

Vaseem Ahamad
by Vaseem Ahamad , Associate Director Operations , Perfetti Van Melle

As rightly pointed out by one of the panelist inspection conducted at different level 

at factory - inspection product quality include

conforming all the quality parameters of RM, PM and finished goods - Chemical as well as physical parameter.

But I believe that you might be asking the inspection at warehouse level. At Warehouse the following checks are required

1) Lorry is suitable for loading or not?

2) Goods to be dispatched are physically okay

3) Goods are being dispatched are not expired one.

4) Telling with invoice value for qty and SKU check.

5) Check for adequacy of documentation.




Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Critical appraisal involving examination, measurement, testing, gauging, and comparison of materials or items. An inspection determines if the material or item is in proper quantity and condition, and if it conforms to the applicable or specified requirements. Inspection is generally divided into three categories: (1) Receiving inspection, (2) In-process inspection, and (3) Final inspection. In quality control (which is guided by the principle that "Quality cannot be inspected into a product") the role of inspection is to verify and validate the variance data; it does not involve separating the good from the bad.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

sorry i'm not expert on this filed


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