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Yes, It would be so, quality is highly respected and noticeable while a Customer buying a good brand to have better Utility, it will be possible for more and more unites of product consumption which will develop Loyal customers.
Most certainly yes!
Service quality and after sales service have a visible affect on customer loyalty.
Yes , High Service Quality brings customers loyalty ...
Yes Offcoarse.Because if you satisfy customer and provide him/her the best.they will continue to use your services
Yes, providing high quality services is one of the best way to make loyal customers.
in this Era of competition you can only survive by providing best quality among your competitor.
Customer loyalty related to its satisfaction is a fluid thing now a days. the most important thing is customer engagement. If the quality of service win the customer engagement then yes he will be more loyal.
I have a post on it and have a look.
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I will agree with the answers, in addition to that I would like to say that in order to have loyal customers you should provide a high service quality !
Thank You
Success of a service provider depends on the high quality relationship with customers (Panda,) whichdetermines customer satisfaction and loyalty (Jones, as cited by Lymperopoulos et al.,). Research hasshown repeatedly that service quality influences organizational outcome such as performance superiority(Poretla & Thanassoulis,), increasing sales profit (Levesque & Mc. Dougal,; Kish,; Duncan &Elliot,) and market share (Fisher,), improving customer relations, enhance corporate image andpromote customer loyalty (Newman,; Szymigin &Carrigan,; Caruana,; Ehigie,).Furthermore, service quality and customer satisfaction were found to be related to customer loyalty throughrepurchase intentions (Levesque & Mc. Dougall,; Newman,; Caruana,).Delivering quality service to customers is a must for success and survival in today’s competitive banking
Obviously! It is first step to have loyal customers which has to be followed by good product/service.