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What are the eight features of Human Resource Management in detail?

Question ajoutée par Mohammed Ashraf , Director of International Business , Saqr Al-Khayala Group
Date de publication: 2016/03/14
Ghada Eweda
par Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Human Resource management is a process and philosophy of acquisition, development, utilization, and maintenance of competent human force to achieve goals of an organization in an efficient and effective manner.

Concept of HRM contains two versions – the hard version and the soft version. The hard version or variant emphasizes the need to manage people in ways that will obtain added value from them and thus achieve competitive advantage.

On the other hand, soft version is concerned with treating employees as valued assets, a source of competitive advantage through their commitment, adaptability and high quality. Today’s HRM is a combination of both the versions. HRM is management of human energy and capabilities.

1. It is an art and a science:

The art and science of HRM is indeed very complex. HRM is both the art of managing people by recourse to creative and innovative approaches; it is a science as well because of the precision and rigorous application of theory that is required.

2. It is pervasive:

Development of HRM covers all levels and all categories of people, and management and operational staff. No discrimination is made between any levels or categories. All those who are managers have to perform HRM. It is pervasive also because it is required in every department of the organisation. All kinds of organisations, profit or non-­profit making, have to follow HRM.

3. It is a continuous process:

First, it is a process as there are number of functions to be performed in a series, beginning with human resource planning to recruitment to selection, to training to performance appraisal.

To be specific, the HRM process includes acquisition (HR planning, recruitment, selection, placement, socialisation), development (training and development, and career development), utilisation (job design, motivation, performance appraisal and reward management), and maintenance (labour relations, employee discipline, grievance handling, welfare, and termination). Second, it is continuous, because HRM is a never-ending process.

4. HRM is a service function:

HRM is not a profit centre. It serves all other functional departments. But the basic responsibility always lies with the line managers. HRM is a staff function – a facilitator. The HR Manager has line authority only within his own department, but has staff authority as far as other departments are concerned.

5. HRM must be regulation-friendly:

The HRM function has to be discharged in a manner that legal dictates are not violated. Equal opportunity and equal pay for all, inclusion of communities in employment, inclusion of tribal’s (like Posco or Vedanta projects) and farmers in the benefits and non-violation of human rights must be taken care of by the HRM.

6. Interdisciplinary and fast changing:

It is encompassing welfare, manpower, personnel management, and keeps close association with employee and industrial relations. It is multi- disciplinary activity utilising knowledge and inputs from psychology, sociology, economics, etc. It is changing itself in accordance with the changing environment. It has travelled from exploitation of workers to treating them as equal partners in the task.

7. Focus on results:

HRM is performance oriented. It has its focus on results, rather than on rules. It encourages people to give their 100%. It tries to secure the best from people by winning the whole hearted cooperation. It is a process of bringing people and organization together so that the goals of each are met. It is commitment oriented.

8. People-centred:

HRM is about people at work both as individuals and a group. It tries to help employees to develop their potential fully. It comprises people-related functions like hiring, training and development, performance appraisal, working environment, etc.

HRM has the responsibility of building human capital. People are vital for achieving organizational goals. Organizational performance depends on the quality of people and employees.

9. Human relations philosophy:

HRM is a philosophy and the basic assumption is that employees are human beings and not a factor of production like land, labour or capital. HRM recognises individuality and individual differences. Every manager to be successful must possess social skills to manage people with differing needs.

10. An integrated concept:

HRM in its scope includes Personnel aspect, Welfare aspect and Industrial relations aspect in itself. It is also integrated as it concern with not only acquisition, but also development, utilisation, and maintenance.

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

Human Resource Management is about managing the people in the organization; these people are the number one most important resource that the organization must protect, develop and motivate to reach optimum performance and success. 


HRM begins with the careful selection of employees that would fit the requirements to fill the available and future opening positions.  These employees must be trained, attended to, and their aptitudes must be constantly tested, challenged, and promoted.


The employees must be tailored to fit the job descriptions, selected carefully for career development, and rewarded for achievement.  HRM is a continual process to oversee all maintenance aspects of employee discipline, compensation, and other handling of grievances, welfare, or termination.





par TARIG BABIKER AL AMIN , Head of Planning and Studies Unit , Sudanese Free Zones and Markets Co.


Administrative and strategic HRM are inextricably intertwined. It’s simply not possible to deliver effective HRM unless your administrative underpinnings and their more strategic overlay, independent of specific technology choices, are deeply integrated as to processes, data, business rules, user experience, analytics and much more. Therefore, it’s simply not possible to deliver effective HRM unless your HRM delivery system’s core software platform is also deeply integrated. Here are just a few of the reasons


Administrative and strategic HRM depend on the same global foundation of organizational (job, position, work unit, KSAOC, tasks, work location, legal entity, etc.) and person (position seeker, contractor, employee, community member) data


Two-way interfaces across disparate data or object structures are costly and fragile to build/maintain — and those interfaces grow in number and complexity as you layer more and more strategic HRM functionality on top of a non-integrated system of record/administrative HRM foundation


Strategic and administrative HRM processes interact with the same set of users — managers, employees, position seekers, etc. – and those users don’t want to learn (and can no longer be forced to learn) multiple protocols (even with single sign-on and a superficial commonality of the experience), master multiple data vocabularies, or remember what goes on where or how


The business outcomes of strategic HRM processes are at the mercy of effective administrative HRM processes — mess up the administrative and you’ve sabotaged the strategic. Ever lose a hot applicant prospect because your interview scheduling and communications with that prospect were a mess? Ever watch an entire executive leadership meeting dissolve into a discussion of why last month’s salaried payroll used the wrong incentive pay formula and whether or not and how to do a clawback


While it’s certainly possible to piece together some level of integration across semantically and architecturally dissimilar applications, great care is needed to understand where only modest and occasional synchronizations are needed, e.g. when calling a background checking application from various staffing processes, versus where real depth and almost real-time integration are needed, e.g. when considering the ripple effects that are an inherent part of succession plan development and execution. And don’t be fooled here by the magic of middleware. Semantically different concepts of data, let alone of objects, cannot be mapped in an automated fashion. Full stop


Talent management processes are inherently integrated such that changes in any one process produces ripple effects across all the others. It’s simply not possible to manipulate one lever of talent management to achieve improvements in business outcomes without considering and adjusting the others as needed. Therefore, it’s essential to design and deliver talent management processes holistically and with careful attention to their integration of data, analytics, and the user experience. For example, if we pay too much for a hire, we may disrupt pay equity across the organization resulting in more flight risk and/or loss of productivity due to disengagement. If we don’t have the right KSAOCs and overemphasize workforce development, then we may risk missing the performance leverage and insights that can come from excellent outside hires. If our performance processes aren’t tailored properly to our workforce, then the resulting dis-engagement and/or attrition may put pressure not only on our staffing processes but also on our attempts to manage total compensation creep. This is truly a case of the knee bone’s being connected to the thigh bone


 Effective HRM isn’t just about reducing costs/errors/elapsed times; it’s about driving business outcomes There is no purpose or justification for HRM except to create business value. Therefore, we must be able to make a metrics-based connection between what we do in HRM and the specific business outcomes that are impacted, positively or negatively, by our actions. In this context, embedded analytics are the key to improving HRM decisions and driving business outcomes


Earlier generations of HRM service delivery, including our early attempts at automation, focused, quite correctly, on doing payroll calculations, compliance reporting, and employee data management correctly, on time, and cost-effectively. With those important but primarily administrative processes long since automated and optimized (or they damn well should be), today’s HRM and the HRM delivery system must be focused on driving business outcomes.


Unfortunately, must of the HRM software still in use was designed (yes, I was there!) when computing power was costly relative to human power, but just the reverse is true today, even with offshore resources. So saving administrative HRM costs isn’t much help when actual workforce labor costs, especially health care costs, continue to rise despite the recession. While it’s always important to think in terms of cost-effectiveness, as well as error and elapsed time improvements for primarily administrative HRM, what really matters, what moves the dial in terms of business outcomes, is everything about strategic HRM


So let’s not be penny wise and pound foolish. Scarce competencies continue to be scarce despite the recession, and flight risks are growing for the most valuable workers. Since the only sustainable competitive advantages are the capabilities and accomplishments of your workforce, let’s make sure that the bulk of our HRM effort and investment is directed toward those roles and those individuals who drive those business outcomes


Building, sustaining and deploying professional networks to achieve business outcomes are important workforce KSAOCs, as are the actual networks of workforce members. Many workforce members use their networks routinely in doing the organization’s work, for the organization’s benefit. Therefore, we must support creation, maintenance and deployment of these networks where they are needed KSAOCs even as we protect the organization from the related risks. And lest you think this is a radical idea (separate from the clearly new technologies involved), think again


We’ve always valued individuals who brought their personal networks to the table — social technology unleashes those networking competencies exponentially, in the right hands


We’ve always valued individuals who worked collaboratively to make 1 + 1 = 3 — social technology unleashes collaboration across every business, when you have the right HRM policies and processes to nurture/shape collaboration


But social technology can also become a bottomless pit of self-indulgence, voyeurism, brand damage, IP loss and more — strong HRM policies, training and enabling automated controls are needed to encourage positive uses of social technology and react quickly and severely when a member of the workforce violates organizational policies, e.g. behaves unethically online or in contempt of regulatory requirements which apply to their role


Work and workers are anywhere, everywhere, and highly mobile — and so must be the delivery of HRM products/services. Mobile communications make it increasingly possible, cost-effective, and essential to weave HRM into the daily lives of workers. Therefore, HRM service delivery must go mobile, not as an afterthought, not as a technical add-on, but rather by rethinking service delivery from both a mobile process effectiveness and business outcomes perspective. And here the lessons of the past can save us a ton of work


Do you remember when we debated should we or shouldn’t we do self service


Then we debated to whom should we extend what capabilities behind the firewall


Then we debated what/how we might consider delivering to laptops when they were roaming outside the firewall


Now the only question is how fast can we catch up with a world of work gone mobile


In many developing economies, wired infrastructure, which was the last generation’s online highway, has being skipped entirely in favor of wireless — and many there cannot afford laptops


Even in the developed world, smart phones and tablets are now the mobile devices of choice for many business transactions, for Web browsing, for content consumption


Do you know where your workers work? How and when they work? What they’re trying to accomplish


Do you know how to redesign HRM with mobility first


To make better HRM decisions, all the relevant business rules, content, guidance, and expertise must be embedded directly into HRM processes. Embedded expertise at “point of sale,” so where/when/how the decision is being made, enables far better and more timely decision-making. Therefore, HRM service delivery must embed sufficient intelligence within the self-service experience to drive business outcomes-based decisions-making throughout the organization. Great examples include


What interview questions should I ask to reveal needed KSAOCs


What health care plan should I select to provide the best coverage for my family at the best possible cost


How might the different members of my team react to limited bonuses


How should I handle Naomi’s comment about feeling harassed


What would be my best combination of employees and contractors for this new, perhaps temporary, project? What are the contractual and/or regulatory implications of using contractors


What types of developmental programs and/or work experiences would produce the maximum global leadership capability improvement in my bench


 Beyond embedded intelligence, truly predictive and actionable analytics are needed, again “point of sale,” to ensure that the wisdom of the organization is applied to every business decision. Knowing the probable outcomes of business actions and decisions before making them is the holy grail of driving improved business outcomes. Therefore, HRM service delivery must be able to do the enormously complex calculations in this area of analytics fast enough to present them “point of sale” within the user’s response time expectations. One of the biggest arguments in favor of going in-memory for HRM production data processing is to be able to answer, on the fly, these types of questions


What are the best predictors of a worker’s performance that we can use during the hiring/contracting process


Why do some managers produce more results per unit of labor than others? How could we spread the “magic


What could we do to reduce workplace absenteeism? What are the characteristics of workers, work schedules, and managers that produce the best results


What total comp plan designs will produce the maximum behavioral impact for our sales teams


Which key employees and/or employees in key roles are the greatest flight risks? What would be the impact of losing each/all of them? What could we do to minimize that flight risk, person by person


Why do some teams function more effectively than others? How could we spread the “magic


All business has become global, to include not only global sales and business operations, with their attendant workforce deployments across geographies, but also the requirement that business, product, sales etc. leaders have the competencies to think and operate globally. Where once most businesses were purely domestic in their operations/sales/workforces/regulatory and cultural requirements/etc., businesses of any size now operate more globally. And even when a business is still primarily domestic, everything from its cost of capital and labor costs to its transportation and risk management costs are influenced directly by global events. Therefore, for many to most organizations, HRM data and processes must be truly global along with the related service delivery


For those of you who operate entirely within one country, you may still be doing business globally without realizing it. A good bit of HRM work has long been outsourced, from background checking and health care claims processing to competency assessment tools development and expatriot compensation, and many to most of those providers have moved as much work as possible to where it can be done at the best combination of cost, quality and risk. But for most organizations of any size, you’re selling outside your home markets; sourcing materials, goods, services and talent internationally; and learning to operate across a wide range of regulatory, cultural and physical borders. And you can’t be successful on the world stage unless your HRM processes and data can travel with you


Vikas Bachhuka
par Vikas Bachhuka , Sales Manager - Tire, Lubs & Batteries , ALI ALGHANIM & SONS AUTOMOTIVE CO.

1) Recruitment (right person for right job)

2) Convey company objective to employee

3) Safety (safe work place for employees)

4) Employee Relations (create a friendly working environment)

5) Compensation and Benefits (Motivate employees)

6) Compliance (Compliance with labor and employment laws)

7) Training and Development (skill enhancement)

par TARIG BABIKER AL AMIN , Head of Planning and Studies Unit , Sudanese Free Zones and Markets Co.


Administrative and strategic HRM are inextricably intertwined. It’s simply not possible to deliver effective HRM unless your administrative underpinnings and their more strategic overlay, independent of specific technology choices, are deeply integrated as to processes, data, business rules, user experience, analytics and much more. Therefore, it’s simply not possible to deliver effective HRM unless your HRM delivery system’s core software platform is also deeply integrated. Here are just a few of the reasons


Administrative and strategic HRM depend on the same global foundation of organizational (job, position, work unit, KSAOC, tasks, work location, legal entity, etc.) and person (position seeker, contractor, employee, community member) data


Two-way interfaces across disparate data or object structures are costly and fragile to build/maintain — and those interfaces grow in number and complexity as you layer more and more strategic HRM functionality on top of a non-integrated system of record/administrative HRM foundation


Strategic and administrative HRM processes interact with the same set of users — managers, employees, position seekers, etc. – and those users don’t want to learn (and can no longer be forced to learn) multiple protocols (even with single sign-on and a superficial commonality of the experience), master multiple data vocabularies, or remember what goes on where or how


The business outcomes of strategic HRM processes are at the mercy of effective administrative HRM processes — mess up the administrative and you’ve sabotaged the strategic. Ever lose a hot applicant prospect because your interview scheduling and communications with that prospect were a mess? Ever watch an entire executive leadership meeting dissolve into a discussion of why last month’s salaried payroll used the wrong incentive pay formula and whether or not and how to do a clawback


While it’s certainly possible to piece together some level of integration across semantically and architecturally dissimilar applications, great care is needed to understand where only modest and occasional synchronizations are needed, e.g. when calling a background checking application from various staffing processes, versus where real depth and almost real-time integration are needed, e.g. when considering the ripple effects that are an inherent part of succession plan development and execution. And don’t be fooled here by the magic of middleware. Semantically different concepts of data, let alone of objects, cannot be mapped in an automated fashion. Full stop


Talent management processes are inherently integrated such that changes in any one process produces ripple effects across all the others. It’s simply not possible to manipulate one lever of talent management to achieve improvements in business outcomes without considering and adjusting the others as needed. Therefore, it’s essential to design and deliver talent management processes holistically and with careful attention to their integration of data, analytics, and the user experience. For example, if we pay too much for a hire, we may disrupt pay equity across the organization resulting in more flight risk and/or loss of productivity due to disengagement. If we don’t have the right KSAOCs and overemphasize workforce development, then we may risk missing the performance leverage and insights that can come from excellent outside hires. If our performance processes aren’t tailored properly to our workforce, then the resulting dis-engagement and/or attrition may put pressure not only on our staffing processes but also on our attempts to manage total compensation creep. This is truly a case of the knee bone’s being connected to the thigh bone


 Effective HRM isn’t just about reducing costs/errors/elapsed times; it’s about driving business outcomes There is no purpose or justification for HRM except to create business value. Therefore, we must be able to make a metrics-based connection between what we do in HRM and the specific business outcomes that are impacted, positively or negatively, by our actions. In this context, embedded analytics are the key to improving HRM decisions and driving business outcomes


Earlier generations of HRM service delivery, including our early attempts at automation, focused, quite correctly, on doing payroll calculations, compliance reporting, and employee data management correctly, on time, and cost-effectively. With those important but primarily administrative processes long since automated and optimized (or they damn well should be), today’s HRM and the HRM delivery system must be focused on driving business outcomes.


Unfortunately, must of the HRM software still in use was designed (yes, I was there!) when computing power was costly relative to human power, but just the reverse is true today, even with offshore resources. So saving administrative HRM costs isn’t much help when actual workforce labor costs, especially health care costs, continue to rise despite the recession. While it’s always important to think in terms of cost-effectiveness, as well as error and elapsed time improvements for primarily administrative HRM, what really matters, what moves the dial in terms of business outcomes, is everything about strategic HRM


So let’s not be penny wise and pound foolish. Scarce competencies continue to be scarce despite the recession, and flight risks are growing for the most valuable workers. Since the only sustainable competitive advantages are the capabilities and accomplishments of your workforce, let’s make sure that the bulk of our HRM effort and investment is directed toward those roles and those individuals who drive those business outcomes


Building, sustaining and deploying professional networks to achieve business outcomes are important workforce KSAOCs, as are the actual networks of workforce members. Many workforce members use their networks routinely in doing the organization’s work, for the organization’s benefit. Therefore, we must support creation, maintenance and deployment of these networks where they are needed KSAOCs even as we protect the organization from the related risks. And lest you think this is a radical idea (separate from the clearly new technologies involved), think again


We’ve always valued individuals who brought their personal networks to the table — social technology unleashes those networking competencies exponentially, in the right hands


We’ve always valued individuals who worked collaboratively to make 1 + 1 = 3 — social technology unleashes collaboration across every business, when you have the right HRM policies and processes to nurture/shape collaboration


But social technology can also become a bottomless pit of self-indulgence, voyeurism, brand damage, IP loss and more — strong HRM policies, training and enabling automated controls are needed to encourage positive uses of social technology and react quickly and severely when a member of the workforce violates organizational policies, e.g. behaves unethically online or in contempt of regulatory requirements which apply to their role


Work and workers are anywhere, everywhere, and highly mobile — and so must be the delivery of HRM products/services. Mobile communications make it increasingly possible, cost-effective, and essential to weave HRM into the daily lives of workers. Therefore, HRM service delivery must go mobile, not as an afterthought, not as a technical add-on, but rather by rethinking service delivery from both a mobile process effectiveness and business outcomes perspective. And here the lessons of the past can save us a ton of work


Do you remember when we debated should we or shouldn’t we do self service


Then we debated to whom should we extend what capabilities behind the firewall


Then we debated what/how we might consider delivering to laptops when they were roaming outside the firewall


Now the only question is how fast can we catch up with a world of work gone mobile


In many developing economies, wired infrastructure, which was the last generation’s online highway, has being skipped entirely in favor of wireless — and many there cannot afford laptops


Even in the developed world, smart phones and tablets are now the mobile devices of choice for many business transactions, for Web browsing, for content consumption


Do you know where your workers work? How and when they work? What they’re trying to accomplish


Do you know how to redesign HRM with mobility first


To make better HRM decisions, all the relevant business rules, content, guidance, and expertise must be embedded directly into HRM processes. Embedded expertise at “point of sale,” so where/when/how the decision is being made, enables far better and more timely decision-making. Therefore, HRM service delivery must embed sufficient intelligence within the self-service experience to drive business outcomes-based decisions-making throughout the organization. Great examples include


What interview questions should I ask to reveal needed KSAOCs


What health care plan should I select to provide the best coverage for my family at the best possible cost


How might the different members of my team react to limited bonuses


How should I handle Naomi’s comment about feeling harassed


What would be my best combination of employees and contractors for this new, perhaps temporary, project? What are the contractual and/or regulatory implications of using contractors


What types of developmental programs and/or work experiences would produce the maximum global leadership capability improvement in my bench


 Beyond embedded intelligence, truly predictive and actionable analytics are needed, again “point of sale,” to ensure that the wisdom of the organization is applied to every business decision. Knowing the probable outcomes of business actions and decisions before making them is the holy grail of driving improved business outcomes. Therefore, HRM service delivery must be able to do the enormously complex calculations in this area of analytics fast enough to present them “point of sale” within the user’s response time expectations. One of the biggest arguments in favor of going in-memory for HRM production data processing is to be able to answer, on the fly, these types of questions


What are the best predictors of a worker’s performance that we can use during the hiring/contracting process


Why do some managers produce more results per unit of labor than others? How could we spread the “magic


What could we do to reduce workplace absenteeism? What are the characteristics of workers, work schedules, and managers that produce the best results


What total comp plan designs will produce the maximum behavioral impact for our sales teams


Which key employees and/or employees in key roles are the greatest flight risks? What would be the impact of losing each/all of them? What could we do to minimize that flight risk, person by person


Why do some teams function more effectively than others? How could we spread the “magic


All business has become global, to include not only global sales and business operations, with their attendant workforce deployments across geographies, but also the requirement that business, product, sales etc. leaders have the competencies to think and operate globally. Where once most businesses were purely domestic in their operations/sales/workforces/regulatory and cultural requirements/etc., businesses of any size now operate more globally. And even when a business is still primarily domestic, everything from its cost of capital and labor costs to its transportation and risk management costs are influenced directly by global events. Therefore, for many to most organizations, HRM data and processes must be truly global along with the related service delivery


For those of you who operate entirely within one country, you may still be doing business globally without realizing it. A good bit of HRM work has long been outsourced, from background checking and health care claims processing to competency assessment tools development and expatriot compensation, and many to most of those providers have moved as much work as possible to where it can be done at the best combination of cost, quality and risk. But for most organizations of any size, you’re selling outside your home markets; sourcing materials, goods, services and talent internationally; and learning to operate across a wide range of regulatory, cultural and physical borders. And you can’t be successful on the world stage unless your HRM processes and data can travel with you


Ghazi ٌRadwan
par Ghazi ٌRadwan , Project Facilitator , Jordan River Foundation

Thank you for your invitation ..... Support Ghada Eweda answer to it a comprehensive answer

د Waleed
par د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

Thank You for the invitation .. I will agree with answers ... Variety of correct info and opinions ... Noting to add !

Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji
par Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji , مدير , أوال جاليري

Agree with Mrs Ghada and Tarig.

Khalid Ghaffar
par Khalid Ghaffar , Consultant for Business Development , Waters Corporation USA

I agree with Ms. Ghada answer and have voted for her.

Gourab Mitra
par Gourab Mitra , Manager IT Project Program and Delivery Management(Full Time Contract/Consulting Role) , IXTEL(

Has been brilliantly answered by the experts

sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh
par sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh , عضو هيئة تدريس , جامعة دلمون

Technology- The level of workforce- Cultural and social values (the culture of the organization)- Qualified managers- Surroundings political - economic ....- Globalization- Competition- Vision and Mission

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