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As a team leader, what are the top tips you would give me about effective team leadership, to get along with my team and keep up their high-quality performance?

Question ajoutée par Ola Qtaishat , Training Officer , Bank Of Jordan
Date de publication: 2016/03/23
Lamya Adam
par Lamya Adam , Front Desk Team Leader , Mariott

An effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow him. Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills through formal training and experience. The qualities of an effective team leader inspire the trust and respect of the team and stimulate production within the workplace.


Communicationand effective team leadership

Effective team leaders communicate clearly. Quality verbal and written communication skills allow leaders to present expectations to team members in a way workers can understand. Effective communication skills also allow team leaders to listen to the input of others.


Organization and effective team leadership

Effective team leaders possess exceptional organizational skills. Organizational skills help team leaders plan objectives and strategies, which allow team members to perform optimally. Organized team leaders put systems in place that maintain order and guide team members toward meeting company goals and objectives.


Confidence and effective team leadership

An effective team leader is confident in his abilities, as well as confident in the abilities of his team members. A confident leader is secure in the decisions he makes that affect his team. A self-confident team leader also reassures team members of his authority within the organization.


Respect and effective team leadership

A quality team leader is respectful of his team members. A respectful leader empowers employees by encouraging them to offer ideas about decisions that affect them. This lets team members know that the leader respects their input and opinions.


Justice and effective team leadership

A quality team leader treats team members fairly. He is consistent with rewards and recognition, as well as disciplinary action. A fair leader ensures all employees receive the same treatment.


Integrity and effective team leadership

An effective team leader is honest and open with his team members. Leaders who possess integrity gain the trust of team members because he does what he says he will do and treats others the same way he wants to be treated.


Influence and effective team leadership

Influential leaders help inspire the commitment of team members to meet company goals and objectives. Influential leaders also help manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision making and communication.


Delegation and effective team leadership

Effective team leaders know how to share leadership through delegation. Delegating certain tasks to trustworthy team members allows the leader to focus on improving workplace functions and production.


Facilitation and effective team leadership

Effective team leaders are powerful facilitators. As a facilitator, team leaders help workers understand their goals. They also help organize an action plan to ensure team members meet their goals and objectives more efficiently.


Negotiation and effective team leadership


Team leaders utilize negotiation skills to achieve results and reach an understanding in the event of a workplace conflict. Team leaders who negotiate effectively streamline the decision-making process, as well as solve problems for the best interest of everyone involved.

Ghada Eweda
par Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Here’s what you need as an effective leader to start doing if you want to really your build high performance  team: 

1. Continuous Goal Clarification: 

The single most important and defining attribute of a high performing team is a mutual commitment by all team members to accomplishing serious performance goals. This is often done through the setting up of “SMART Goals”.

2-Continuous Role Clarification: 

Effective team leaders are master role clarifiers, constantly working to insure that each employee’s formal work role is optimally crafted to meet or exceed the team’s performance goals. This means making sure that the team’s strategy and task structure is always the shortest path to the team’s success.   One of the biggest sources of highly toxic and stressful team dysfunction is a lack of role clarification on the part of individual members. 

3. Build a Solid Team Performance Culture:

 High performance teamwork is virtually impossible without a team sustaining culture.  The most effective team leaders create and nurture their teams through consistently displaying behaviors that model their core values like a genuine concern for employee-wellbeing, collaborative learning, effective communication, and full managerial transparency. They know that real time objective information flow is the lifeblood of team performance. 

4. Effective Employee Recognition: 

High performance team leaders are also deeply skilled in the art and science of effective employee recognition. 5. Real Time Conflict Management: 

In order for a work group to become a real high performing team, effective conflict management is critical. Team leaders who are conflict avoidant are not team leaders; they're your average supervisor or manager; and that’s why only 10-20% of employees are actually engaged at work. It’s also the biggest reason organizations, old and new are hemorrhaging their top talent. 6. Continuous Leader-Follower Development and Team Maintenance:

In order for high performance teams to function, each member, not just the leader, needs to possess a core competency of teaming skills. Each employee needs to know how effective business teams work, how they meet, how they communicate.

7. Shared Leadership: 

The most effective high performance teams practice distributed leadership even if it’s informal. As the team moves through different phases of defining and realizing its performance goals, different areas of content expertise can come into strategic focus. This is particularly true of cross functional teams made of members from different departments and roles

8. High Involvement Leadership: 

The most effective high performance team leaders know that strong internal commitment to the team’s goals on the part every team member is critical to their success.  9. Collaborative Action Learning and Listening (CALL): 

The 9th habit of highly effective team leaders is to enable continuous team learning and improvement through an iterative team learning cycle that I call "collaborative action learning and Listening" or “CALL”. 10. Team Leader as Gatekeeper: 

The last but definitely not the least of the 10 habits of highly effective team leaders is his or her critical role as team gatekeeper. From an organizational science perspective high performance teams, like the top organizations they thrive in, can be viewed as complex adaptive systems in their own right. Teams need critical resources to survive and grow. They also need to be protected from toxic inputs. 

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Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
par Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Online Volunteer Moderator ,


Top tips in my opinion

  • Always share the objectives with them and use transparency method.
  • Always use THANK YOU word to encourage them.
  • Always celebrate their success and make them as an heroes.
  • Evaluate them in logical way and give them what they deserve as commission.
  • Do not be a judge be their friend.

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

You must be an example for the team


And motivated by the words of encouragement constantly


Consider your team members as your own childrens so you care about their affairs at work and as well as their  private affairs, you develop in them an entrepreneurial spirit and love of work and giving and living up to the highest return, you give them tenderness and soft and smile, but at the same time learning the system and respect firmness and severity

Jelena Mudrakovac
par Jelena Mudrakovac , Classroom Teacher , International Community School Branch 1

Being a team leader means you need to motivate and convince your team members that each one them are just as important and that they need to feel their contribution is appreciated-nothing works better than praising after work gets done well-even if at times the results may not be great, don't be negative and aggressive- using a calm voice with the right choice of words would make them feel rather embarrassed enough and they would try harder next time. Once again-the communication is the key!

sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh
par sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh , عضو هيئة تدريس , جامعة دلمون

    Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Translate from: Arabic 1. a clear and specific goals, and full understanding of the members of their roles and receptive to them.2. subliminal communication between all members, encourage frank discussion, and the explicit expression of opinions and ideas.3. know clearly the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and fully realize the opportunities and external environmental threats.4. provide stimulation system on a collective basis and not individually.5. Preparation of dealing with differences and resolved through cooperation.6. comfortable and informal working environment, and away from the tension and hostility and formalities, allows individuals to enjoy the fellowship and accompaniment.7. mass participation in decision-making and be unanimous rather than majority vote.8. exercise self-censorship.

Adam Ahmed
par Adam Ahmed , IT & Web Developer , Freelance

Basm allah alrahman alrahim


Some one called Linus Torvalds ( linux karnel maker ) said he don't know except about5 from his team ( because he is a team leader for millions ) , that mean the top5 must understand each other very well , like husband and his4 wives ( ! can that happen )



مها شرف
par مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

I agree with experts answers, thanks for the invitation. ....

Mohamed Abou El Azem
par Mohamed Abou El Azem , Bachelor of Law , Bachelor of Law

I agree with the answer Colleagues

Beverly Chahonyo
par Beverly Chahonyo , Human Resources Officer , World Food Program

Be available, be accessible, be 100% candid, provide constructive criticism but ensure you have solutions for the team. Celebrate the individuality of each team member but also bring the team together by ensuring you provide leadership, cover them and take the heat where necessary and teach them how to make decisions. Exposing them to higher levels of management are also good because it builds trust. 

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