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When to feel apprehensive ?

You know from the un official grapevine that things are not at all rosy. People are leaving and the company is loosing big clients. But your manager tells you that the things are bright and that you should carry on as usual and there is no need to worry. But deep in your heart you know that in the corporate world there is no room for sentiments. If You are not needed some day they would not bat their eyelid to hand you the pink slip. But then when you work in an old set up You know the people around you and the work is a lot easier. But as your age increases and you are stuck in a position for a long time the1st thing they ask you is WHAT DID YOU ACHIEVE IN THE ORGANISATION HAVING WORKED SO LONG. What should you do?

Question added by Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO
Date Posted: 2016/03/28
georgei assi
by georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

When I see a hungry child when I see I see thousands of people die by drowning in the sea due to migration to search for a decent living and Arab countries sitting on tons of money when I see the father sells his son and mother commit suicide because they do not have the price of food and medicine and the price of milk for her children Is there more than this fear

If you mean in the workplace: job security, at a loss the company suffered from a deficit budget, chapter or layoffs, discounts due to the delay or absence, the fingerprint system in the companies, long working hours and lack of granting special maternity conditions or other circumstances vacations, lack of salaries in the private sector, the continued period of unemployment for a long time.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

u should take care and less ur expensive and try to make ur own business


Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
by Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


Agree with Mr. George and Mrs. Dalal

Amir Ageeb
by Amir Ageeb , Content Senior Specialist , Elm Company

I feel apprehensive when the work environment is gloomy, and there is no job security.

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

I came home and came up with five things to say to myself when the apprehension creeps in.

1. When you look down you fall down – When I was in my 20’s I was racing mountain bikes in Colorado, and after I went head over butt down a huge gully my riding partner yelled to me, “When you look down, you fall down!”. I never forgot that because this same rule applies to life. When you look down or are negative about something, then it most likely won’t work.


2. I am meant to be here – We are all exactly where we are meant to be at this moment in our lives. The challenges that we have are lessons presented to us because we need to learn something about ourselves. This training plan may not work or I may knock this PR out of the park. I don’t know what will happen, but I know I will learn something and I am grateful for whatever that may be. Accept the outcome, whatever it is.

3. When you doubt yourself, others will too – Recently I was watching the Olympics and an interviewer asked the men’s beach volleyball team if they should be feared. They answered “Yes, absolutely”. If they were nervous, which I am sure they had their moments, they did not show it. That has to get into the heads of their competition. If you expel credible confidence and you truly believe in yourself, others will too. Having a tribe of people behind you who support you goes along way in achieving your goals.

4. New experiences give you more insight – – Knowledge is power, plain and simple. The more experiences you have, good and bad, the greater your perspective will be. Don’t be afraid to try new things!


5. Remind yourself that what you want is right around the corner – Dreams don’t happen overnight. Anything good takes time. You have to commit yourself to your goals and accept that it won’t happen overnight, and sometimes it takes changing things up before you get it right. To keep myself going day after day I like to invision that my PR is just around the corner and that I only need to patiently keep chipping away at my training. I imagine the feeling of crossing the finish line.

Mohammad Iqbal Abubaker
by Mohammad Iqbal Abubaker , Jahaca Pty Ltd - Accounts Administrator , Jahaca Pty Ltd - Accounts Administrator

 I agree with the answer given by georgei assi  and also by all other team members.

by ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Anxiety is the feeling of fear or apprehension that is intense enough to disrupt your daily activities. It hits anyone at any point in their lives, regardless of sex and age. If you suffer from anxiety and you let anxiety overcome you, you then let stress and unhappiness overrule you, through being paralyzed by anxiety. You need to learn how to overcome it or at least reduce its effects. Here are eight tips that can help you conquer anxiety:

1. Be the master of your thoughts. Inability to control what you think strengthens your tendency for anxiety. Anxiety gains momentum when you entertain negative thoughts.

2. Practice self-discipline and control over your feelings. Anxiety is like taking a ride on a rollercoaster. Once you start entertaining negative thoughts and fears, they become a mantra that will perpetuate themselves. The best thing to do is to cut them off right then and there. Distract yourself, divert your thoughts, or go talk to someone and have him or her correct your fears. Most of the time, anxious thoughts are distortions of reality. It is best to have someone tell you the objective facts, and show you that you are grossly exaggerating your fears. If they are valid, you can seek reassurance of a happy outcome or have the other person suggest ways to work around the problem/s you face.

3. Think positive. As they say, try to think of the glass as being half-full. Thinking it is half-empty will only result in a never-ending cycle of negative thinking. Thoughts give birth to thoughts, and what you fill your mind with will spill over into reality. Our mental mantras become self-fulfilling prophecies. When we allow thoughts to perpetuate in our minds, they burst forth into reality as, as was said, self-fulfilling prophecies. The key is not to go "I won't think negatively. I won't think negatively." Rather, you should force yourself to fixate on positive thoughts. Write a list of the things you want to be and the things you want to happen in your life, enough that you can say every single morning within 3 minutes, to yourself. Then every morning, when you wake up or before you leave for work or school, say your affirmations to yourself. Example: "I am beautiful, articulate, and I will make that sale today!" Then all throughout the day, when you catch yourself worrying, stop in your tracks, and force yourself to enumerate 5 things you are thankful for today. Repeat as needed.

4. Keep yourself busy and on the go. Never allow yourself to have idle moments. The moment you get out of your bed, keep yourself busy right away and keep moving throughout the day. Volunteer to clean the house for the day or tell somebody that you will do the dishes for dinner. You can also read books or magazines, engage in exercise, or meditate; to keep yourself from worrying/anxiety. Being idle will not solve your problems and the moments when your mind isn't busy doing something worthwhile will only invite more anxiety.

5. Work out a plan and try to accomplish it. Whether it's how to improve yourself or a plan to solve the very problem that is causing your anxieties, doing this exercise will let you see that you can do something about your situation. This will also help you realize that you have control over yourself. Increasing control over your own life leads you to feel less anxious, because anxiety is an issue of control: the lack of it.

6. Consult someone that can be trusted. Sharing your worries with another person lightens the worries and puts them in the proper perspective. The premise is that you talk with the aim to lessen your anxiety.

7. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter can ease your burdens. Be in the company of amusing friends or indulge in activities that can bring laughter into your life, like watching The Three Stooges.

8. If current issues make you anxious, switch off the television. Reduce the time you spend watching news and avoid watching shows that depress and make you more anxious before you go to sleep. Though professional help is needed in extreme cases, anxiety is manageable, if you know how to get around it. Do follow these helpful tips and you will see your anxieties eased.

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