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Jack Welch, a much later CEO of General Electric, said, as reported by Krames (2004): ‘How do you get people into the change process?

Start with reality… when everyone gets

the same facts, they’ll generally come to the same conclusion.’ Is this true and if so, what


does it tell us about change management.

Question added by Saifeldin Osman Ali , Human Resources Consultant , Aldoha investment CO LTD Sudan
Date Posted: 2016/03/29
حسين عبدالهادي الصلوي
by حسين عبدالهادي الصلوي , متدرب , المحطة الغازية توليد الطاقة الكهربائية

The Current State is how things are done today. It is the collection of processes, behaviors, tools, technologies, organizational structures and job roles that constitute how work is done. The Current State defines who we are. It may not be working great, but it is familiar and comfortable because we know what to expect. The Current State is where we have been successful and where we know how we will be measured and evaluated. Above all else, the Current State is known.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

agree with mr. hussiean


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