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How can I drive digital traffic to my site immediately?

Question added by Mohammed Ashraf , Director of International Business , Saqr Al-Khayala Group
Date Posted: 2016/04/10
Mohammed  Ashraf
by Mohammed Ashraf , Director of International Business , Saqr Al-Khayala Group

Leveraging social media with posts that include links back to your website is one key way to funnel traffic to your site within a relatively short time frame; posts that include promotions, contests, giveaways, and other engaging, time-sensitive material can be particularly effective. Additionally, generating leads through engagement in online public relations – such as answering a HARO (Help a Reporter Out) query in which you function as a subject expert, or writing a press release for online distribution – are also strong tactics for quickly amassing digital traffic.

by TARIG BABIKER AL AMIN , Head of Planning and Studies Unit , Sudanese Free Zones and Markets Co.

Add Long-Tail Variations to Your Pages Stand Out with Rich Snippets Write Titles and Descriptions People Can't Resist  Leverage Your Internal Links

Sidrah Nadeem
by Sidrah Nadeem , Global Marketing Manager , Hill & Knowlton

  1. Paid visits
  2. SEO optimization
  3. Exciting promotions via email marketing
  4. Blogging

Ghada Eweda
by Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Just follow the following Ways To Immediately Improve Your Digital Traffic

1. Facebook remarketing

2. Facebook email custom audiences

3. Twitter remarketing

4. Twitter custom audiences

5. Twitter Cards

6. Spend 80 percent of your time on the ad's headline

8. Blog, blog, blog

9. Promote your blogs on Facebook

10. Optimize your site for SEO

11. Exchange blog posts with other sites

12. Automate your emails

13. Become a contributor

14. Create a quiz

15. Host a webinar or webcast

16. Create a podcast

17. Find partners in your industry



by ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Our visibility into this detailed activity on web entities has provided us with a treasure trove of new data that is helping us understand the complexities of the increasingly fragmented digital media environment. We have spent the past several weeks poring over the new data, and we’d like to share with you several of the interesting new findings based on our analysis of 15 different countries* reported in Device Essentials:

  1. Mobile phones are second only to computers in driving digital traffic: While we saw computers accounting for at least 93 percent of digital traffic across the 15 markets studied, we also saw mobile contributing the most amount of traffic following computers. The U.S. has the highest share of non-computer device traffic at 6.2 percent, with mobile phones making up about two-thirds of that traffic (4.2 percent overall). Singapore and the U.K., which also have considerably high shares of non-computer device traffic at 5.9 percent and 5.3 percent, respectively, also show mobile comprising the majority of that traffic.
  2. Apple leads the way for non-computer device traffic across markets: In the U.S. alone, the iOS platform accounted for 53.1 percent of non-computer device traffic, led by traffic coming from the iPhone (23.5 percent), iPad (21.8 percent) and iPod Touch (7.8 percent). In all the other markets reported in this analysis, with the exception of Argentina and India, iOS comprised more than half of non-computer device traffic, topping out at 83.0 percent in Australia, Canada, and Singapore.
  3. Android outpaces iPhone in U.S. traffic despite overall lead for iOS: While the iOS platform accounts for the majority of overall traffic flowing through non-computer devices in the U.S., Android phones account for 35.6 percent of non-computer traffic vs. 23.5 percent from iPhones.
  4. Mobile traffic is not only driven by smartphones: Among the markets analyzed, India stands out as one of the markets where mobile phones account for a significant amount of non-computer device traffic (94.8 percent), but this activity is driven by primarily by feature phones (71.9 percent of non-computer device traffic) as opposed to smartphones (22.9 percent share). Other markets where feature phones drive significant non-computer device traffic include Argentina (27.5 percent) and Brazil (17.3 percent).
  5. Tablets account for a significant share of non-computer traffic: Next to mobile phones, tablets contribute a significant share of total non-computer device traffic. Two-thirds of the markets in this analysis saw tablets driving more than 20 percent of all non-computer device traffic. The Netherlands (35.6 percent), Canada (35.2 percent), and Brazil (33.4 percent), led the way, with tablets accounting for more than a third of non-computer traffic.
  6. Apple dominates the tablet market around the world: In all of the markets in this analysis, the share of total digital traffic coming from tablets was driven largely by iPads. In 13 of the 15 markets, Apple captured at least 95 percent of the tablet market, while Android tablets accounted for most of the remaining tablet share.
  7. E-readers and gaming consoles barely register any traffic: Device Essentials measures traffic from other web-enabled devices beyond computers, mobile phones, and tablets, such as e-readers and gaming consoles. In all of the markets studied, these other devices contributed less than 1 percent to overall digital traffic, with the highest share of traffic seen in Canada and the U.S. at 0.6 percent.
  8. iPod Touches drive one fifth of the traffic of iPhones: Because they’re not mobile phones, iPod Touches can sometimes be overlooked as important drivers of non-computer device traffic. When compared to its sister device, the iPhone, iPod Touches actually drove about one fifth the level of traffic across most markets. In Argentina and Canada, iPods had even greater relative importance, driving approximately half of the traffic of iPhones. At nearly 15 percent of non-computer device traffic, Canada is the only market where the iPod Touch accounts for more than 10 percent of non-computer traffic.
  9. WiFi access fuels the U.S. non-computer device landscape: Interestingly, more than half (54.5 percent) of all non-computer traffic in the U.S. comes via WiFi connection. 91.9 percent of U.S. iPad traffic comes via WiFi access, indicating that the majority of iPad surfing is done at home, at the office, or in other WiFi-enabled locations. Similarly, this high percentage may also reflect that many people aren’t paying for additional 3G service for tablets at the moment.
  10. Even across devices, WiFi and mobile network activity varies: Even within the same device types, there are differences in the way users are connecting online. In the U.S., 78.3 percent of total digital traffic coming from Android phones occurred over mobile networks, compared to a much lower 52.5 percent on iPhones. A significant 47.5 percent of iPhone traffic came through a WiFi connection, reflecting the importance iOS device users place on being able to easily connect via WiFi.

You can see from these preliminary Device Essentials data that there are many insights about traffic patterns across the digital landscape today that we’re just beginning to uncover, especially on a market-by-market level. As new devices and methods of staying connected online continue to proliferate, it will be interesting to see how these traffic patterns evolve. Stay tuned as we continue to unearth more interesting nuggets of data about the bigger picture surrounding digital traffic with Device Essentials.

sardar mardookhy
by sardar mardookhy , PMP certified Project manager , MCCI

Agreed with experts answers.

Khalid Ghaffar
by Khalid Ghaffar , Consultant for Business Development , Waters Corporation USA

To help you think through how to improve your site traffic, these seven key questions designed to improve your results

1.      Question 1. Do we have visibility of actual against target performance in support of our business goals?

There's the popular marketing mantra - 'you can't manage what you can't measure'. And, in my opinion that's the place to start from when planning to grow the effectiveness of your digital acquisition. The benchmarking process starts with a clear understanding of how you perform across a range of channels, and then understanding the relative efficiencies of different sources for traffic or reach based KPIs and their impact on marketing or sales conversions, including lead generation or email newsletter sign-ups. These are the VQVC metrics Dave describes in this post introducing the RACE KPI framework.


Gurus like Avinash have great advice on setting the right measures that matter too. He reminds us that the traffic you get has to be related to a commercially relevant goal, after all that's why you have a website, right?

Amazingly, marketers will still spend on a channel and judge success based upon a simple traffic or visitor KPI, such as volume, and the draw a cost based on visitor or impression. This is a route to failure in commercial terms. You need volume, quality and value measures.

Instead, understand the value of visitors, by channel based on setting goals for lead or sign-up at the minimum, ideally link it to conversion. Worst case you can tie your overall traffic mix to sales, best case you understand sales by channel. Prepare for the tricky discussion of what channel gets the credit - last or first referring, or is the mix credited accordingly!? Keep it simple initially and pick one.

Take a look our Eretail KPI post to help with further ideas on the key measures:

  • Question 2. What is the right mix of paid, owned and earned media to meet our goals?

You can see from our diagram below the benefits of using the full range of media available today in maximising the overlap between the three different types of media. Achieving this overlap requires the integration of acquisition campaigns. Content on your blog or hub site can be broken down and re-shared into other media types, maybe even directly through APIs such as the Facebook API if not by a considered process to social media marketing. It’s useful to also think of a company’s own presence as 'media' in this sense - these being an alternative investment to other media that offer opportunities to promote products using ad or editorial formats.

The one-line take-away is to ensure that there's emphasis on a plan to become multi-channel publishers, and stop separating 'media' from 'social or online PR'.

  • Question 3. Have we maximised the efficiency of each channel, including channel mix?

Though we want more traffic, and we're assuming that its commercial value is understood and benchmarked, the traffic mix is important since it helps manage against weaknesses and highlight new opportunities for growth. There’s a risk if “too many of your eggs are in one basket”, particularly on natural search reliance as Google changes its algorithms…

There are all kinds of complexities that can affect reporting on traffic mix, where too much is tagged as "direct" or "other" due to emails or campaigns not being properly tagged. The key thing is that once traffic mix is on your agenda you can spot changes and start to manage the mix. Ask where you're over-reliant first and foremost, for example maybe you're over-reliant on paid media or affiliate/partner sites. And, more logically you can spot opportunities if you compare to industry media mix averages like the one from Google shown below. Ask are you getting enough (commercially relevant) traffic from social media or influential industry sites, maybe that would highlight opportunities to consider a tactical or campaign focus within LinkedIn.

The "right mix" will vary drastically between types of sites, for example e-commerce vs publishing platforms, and of course by industry where the types of users differ.

  • Question 4. Who are we targeting and what are the core messages that we need to communicate?

The key take-away here surround what Joe Pullizi calls the "intersection between what a brand wants to communicate, and what the user wants to find, solve or hear". It sounds dead simple, it is really, yet how many brands communicate only what they want to sell, then worse assume that every buyer thinks like they do - and even worse assumes that all personas are ready to buy today.

You are not the consumer! Instead, start by using your internal knowledge to identify web personas (“a summary of the characteristics, needs, motivations and environment of typical web site users“). Think about the buyer stages too, often referred to as the 'scenario', for example I want to research about product X or understand if I actually have a need in the first place.

Overlay the messages that you want to communicate to those buyers, you might consider some simple customer research to identify or confirm what you really understand the motivations behind each of those persona types.

As a result of the work, and in the same vein, be sure look at how you may tighten your site's online value proposition. Ever been to a web site and wondered ‘Why am I here?’, ‘How does this help me?‘ or ‘Does this site give me what I need?’. And then left shortly afterwards? That's why the top-level benefit or message needs to be absolutely clear to site visitors, especially first time visitors.

  • Question 5. Are we putting sufficient time into identifying and then managing relationships with partners and influencers?

With social media and online PR again, many will also call this content marketing, the identifying and partnering of influencer sites is fundamental to success. Note!! This is also the start to gaining inbound links, to improve your position in the search engine results pages. Identify your influencer and partner sites carefully to ensure that you get the three-for-one benefit of referral traffic, social sharing and inbound link equity. Influencers are key in modern marketing, as Jay Baer comments “With a disproportionate ability to spread information and add credibility, influencers are human TV stations and magazines.”

With a hub and spoke model in mind, your site being the hub, influencers exist on different spokes. Our social radar diagram (below) helps you think that through and prioritise different outposts, some of which will be more powerful influencers. Our radar was inspired by Brian Solis' Conversion Prism, but we found it unclear, if not beautifully designed.

Once identified, true influencers and partner sites need to be treated with the respect they deserve, your business is effectively in a relationship, and like any relationship it develops over time and is based on respect, trust and a lot of giving. You wouldn't expect a relationship to develop any other way.

  • Question 6. How do we integrate acquisition channels and manage customer journeys to maximise effectiveness?

I think there are two dimensions to this, at least obvious ones. On the one hand you need to mine the data, to understand what is influencing purchase versus what is influencing lead generation versus traffic, on the other hand it's about understanding your consumer, those personas and appreciating the stages of purchase and designing that in to your communications, channels and website over the whole buy cycle.

Primarily, there's the need to be findable in multiple places by those personas at the various buyer stages - the buyer stages where giving you personal data is of little interest, and exploring impartial industry sources is! For example certain outposts or influencer sites will lend themselves to those exploring a topic, ideally those outposts will have a good search results presence on keywords that maybe you don't. As the user progresses to exploring your product area, or even brand name they'll progress to review sites and in turn your site which would also cater for more than one "buyer type". This works just the same offline, industry journals or consumer magazines are places where great content, well-PR'd come into their own.

With your site in mind, signing up for a well considered ebook might be 'step 1' for people who are exploring a pain point and defining their needs. You'd expect to the need to re-market them and earn permission to sell via email, maybe driving that prospect to a webinar where you may actually acquire a lead in the true sense. The key take-away - get close the how your personas types journey from browse - research - compare - buy.

  • Question 7. Is our social presence effective and are we measuring reputation?

The challenging word here is "effective". We've posted many times on the challenges of social media measurement, in its broadest sense, but the start-point is to have a clear sense of goals in order you can best integrate social media as an effective channel, then you have context to measure and monitor against what good looks like for you. Social media can have a range different types of goals dependent on what you figure matters most the commercial end game: Branding and awareness; Grow a community of customers or users; Customer service – facilitating consumers needs proactively on and off line; R&D – collaborate with consumers to facilitate product or service improvements through ideas; Direct sales and leads generated that go on to convert. Our social media marketing goals post explains more on this.

Irrespective of the type of goals that you have. Web analytics and social media monitoring tools can combine to enable you to measure what matters to you at any given time. You can also monitor softer but important KPIs, such as positive brand sentiment. Our post on the IAB social media measurement framework summarised our perspective on the approach being developed by the IAB Social Media Council, their presentation is below.



د Waleed
by د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

I would agree with the answers .. They provided helpful tips and covered your question  !


Thank You

حسين محمد ياسين
by حسين محمد ياسين , Finance Manager , مؤسسة عبد الماجد محمد العمر للمقاولات العامة

agree with answers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Shaikha Ali AlSowaidi
by Shaikha Ali AlSowaidi , Owner / Marketing Consultant , Marketing Consulting (Company Confidential)

I think you provided the best possible answer. I'll look into it a little more and see what else I can add to the inquiry.

Sathish Prabhu.V
by Sathish Prabhu.V , Manager - Operations & Process Improvement , Revolution Valves

To improve digital traffic for the sites,

1) Facebook re-marketing and custom audiences

2) Twitter re-marketing and custom audiences

3) Twitter cards

4) Blog and promotion of the blog

5) Create quiz like programs

6) Find partners related to the business

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