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Does quality auditing depend on how you audit some entity or it also requires how does auditee want that audit to be?

Its quite considerable, e.g. if you have to complete an audit assignment within your deadline but auditee delays in providing information and etcetera.

Question added by Waseem Hassan , Chief Manager Internal Audit , Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited
Date Posted: 2013/09/21
Ahmad Khreasat
by Ahmad Khreasat , Risk and Quality Officer , Royal Scientific Society - Policies & Risk Dept.

Lack of evidence is an evidence.


As an auditor, you ask for information and the auditee has to provide you with evidence for complying with standard requirements. if they didn't give you the information you need within reasonable time, you move on to the next question. and raise a nonconformity.


even if the requirements was applied and you have not seen it. the nonconformity will be on record keeping and communication channel. these2 are essential requirements of iso9001.


if the information showed up on the closing meeting, you have2 options: either you extend the audit schedule or you raise it as a nonconformity and close it in the follow up audit



Now to answer your question in general, does the audit depends on you or the auditee? The answer is both, the  audit plan should be communicated with auditee, and they should provide you with feedback of their ow concerns, and you should consider them


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