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What is your opinion? Do you agree with the finance manager or any of his team members' suggestions?

They valued inventory at AED 7.52 million (23,500 unit X AED 320/ unit) in their SoP for the FY 2010. Market price for the product was AED 220/unit at closing date. When cost was analyzed it was found that due to economic recession the company remained unable to sell enough products to cover even their operational/production overheads. Finance Manager advised to reduce the inventory to their NRVs and charge the balance to Income statement. The debit treatment was advised by his team members as follow: 1.Julie :- charge the balance amount to "Cost of Sales" as these were operational/production overheads. 2.Pratab : - These should be charged to sales department as they could not sell the products. 3.Ali :- These should be considered as general expense or should be allocated to each reporting function on a fair basis. 4.Mark :- These are extra-ordinary expenses and shall not be treated as part of operations income/expense.

Question ajoutée par Mohammad Ashfaq , Financial Controller , Union COOP
Date de publication: 2013/05/03

Answer (1) Julie.
According to IAS 2, "The amount of any write-down of inventories to net realisable value and all losses of inventories shall be recognised as an expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs".
According to my understanding the expense mentioned here is COGS or Cost of sales.
But not sales or admin expenses.

Shravan V G
par Shravan V G , Finance Manager , Alserkal & Assarain Concrete Products LLC

In according with the recognised accounting standards the same has to be charged expense.

But the same has to charged to General expenses, since does not qualify for extra ordinary expense if the production/ valuation accounting period differs or the same can be charged to COGS if the production/ and valuation pertains to same accounting period

mohamed afifi
par mohamed afifi , Financial and Administrative Manager , Egyptian Ministry of Education

I agree if his suggetions agree with  the legislations that rules the affairs in establishments 

Hassan Abbas awan
par Hassan Abbas awan , Senior Accountant , Green Valley premium hyper maket

Accorfing to IAS2 iventory should be measured at the lower of cost or NRV, in this case our NRV is low shot it should be recorded at NRV and difference should be charged to P&L. Julie is right and different should be charged to CGS, becaut it is related to core operations of the business

Your company will record AED2.35 million write down as a loss, thereby decreasing inventory and increasing cost of goods sold. Also, this needs to be included net profit or loss for the period in which it arises.

Muhammad Nadeem Arshad Muhammad jamil Arshad
par Muhammad Nadeem Arshad Muhammad jamil Arshad , 1. Afaq Engineering for Building Contracting LLC , AFAQ ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING CONTRACTING LLC

Will Go With Option no 1 (Julie), As Per IAS 2 Inventroies are recognize as per the Net NRVs therefore This aligns with the principle of matching expenses with revenues, reflecting the direct impact on operational/production overheads.

Amir Ashrafi
par Amir Ashrafi , Sr. Project Manager , GOVERNMENT SERVICE INTEGRATION

Based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), inventory write-downs are recognized in a manner that reflects the loss's direct impact on the cost of sales. The loss from writing down the inventory to its net realizable value should be recognized in the income statement, therefore Julie is correct.

Thet Paing Hmue
par Thet Paing Hmue , Junior Commercial Executive , Virginia Tobacco Co., Ltd

I agree with the Finance Manager's recommendation to reduce the inventory to their Net Realizable Value (NRV) and charge the balance to the Income Statement. This approach aligns with standard accounting principles, specifically the lower of cost or market rule, which states that inventory should be valued at the lower of its cost or its market value (NRV).

The Finance Manager's recommendation to adjust inventory to its NRV is correct, and Julie's suggestion to charge the balance to "Cost of Sales" is the most appropriate accounting treatment. This method accurately reflects the true cost of goods sold and adheres to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Ahmed Kamel

According to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the most appropriate treatment for the inventory write-down in this scenario is to follow the finance manager's suggestion, which is to reduce the inventory to its Net Realizable Value (NRV) and charge the balance to the Income Statement. This approach aligns with the principle of conservatism, which is a fundamental concept in IFRS.

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