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What is a foodborne disease outbreak?

Question added by Saif Raheen , HSE Officer , SENDAN International Co Ltd
Date Posted: 2016/07/04
Rogelio Balolot
by Rogelio Balolot , Chef , La Cuisine French Restaurant

It is a food poisoning caused of pathogens or microbes presence in  food. Poor hygeine and inproper cooking preparation may cause illnesses to anybody who eat the food. If happened diseases will spread out and such the government alarm to invistigate for prevention and sanction to the intity who as root of the illness. 

mohamed said msaadeh
by mohamed said msaadeh , General Supervisor (Head )

it is a disease which transmitted from  food to the humane when the food is infected with pathogens.

we face this diseases in poor hygiene and  food   storage. as example food poisoning  when we keep the cocking meat out  side the fridge ( high temperature ).

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