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What are Hotel Customer Service Basics?

Question ajoutée par EMAD ElKHBIRY , مديرمشروع , ----------------------hospitality industry
Date de publication: 2016/07/05
par EMAD ElKHBIRY , مديرمشروع , ----------------------hospitality industry

How do you measure customer satisfaction within your Hotel? If you are measuring it by the number of complaints on your shift – I think you are in trouble. Not every Hotel Guest bothers to tell you about their horrible experience after all.

You must ask your guest if they have been satisfied; this tells them that their satisfaction matters. There are many different ways to ask: after their experience, perhaps with a survey; an enclosure with an invoice or bill, maybe a follow-up phone call or a more in-depth quarterly survey?

The right method depends on your Hotel business and the size of your customer base. Try different ways. Just make sure you do it.

A few basic rules about Hotel Customer Service:

Honesty is the Best Policy. Be honest and own up to the mistakes you have made within your Hotel.  Tell your Customer what you plan to do to change or prevent the same mistake from happening again. Don’t be fooled into believing that admitting guilt will get you out of trouble with the guest; you must fix the problem and it must take effect!

Fast Response Time – The best approach is to quickly approach the customer to explain your company’s mistake, ideally face-to-face. Don’t rely on email for this communication if it can be done quickly one on one. If you are communicating to a large number of customers then email would certainly be the fastest and most effective way to quickly notify your customers that you are aware of the problem.

Take personal responsibility for sorting out the issue. Make sure your guests know how you will prevent it from happening again in the future. Lots of things have gone wrong during my experiences with Hospitality businesses, but it is the ones where someone has taken personal responsibility for my case which has given me the confidence to use a Business again in the future.

Set a Realistic Expectation – Guests who have been promised something that isn’t delivered as promised are far more frustrated and disappointed than if they are notified at the outset they won’t have it sooner than later. In other words, if things are going poorly during a shift, under promise and over deliver is the best policy.

Love your Guests Everyone in your company should love your customers. Without them, you have no Hotel. This doesn’t mean you won’t have difficult guests who will push the limits and try everyone’s patience. But have a company philosophy to respect and appreciate your customers; All departments, customer facing or not, should care about customer satisfaction.

Let everybody understand internally what the fallout may be so all workers within the Hotel understand their impact upon customer satisfaction and ultimately customer retention.

Mousab Al Nokkari
par Mousab Al Nokkari , Engineering Manager , Al Majaz Engineering Consulting Office


Thanks for invitation ,,,


1.Friendliness Friendliness is the most basic of all customers needs, usually associated with being greeted graciously and with warmth. We all want to be acknowledged and welcomed by someone who sincerely is glad to see us. A customer shouldn’t feel they are an intrusion on the service provider’s work day!


2.Understanding and empathy Customers need to feel that the service person understands and appreciates their circumstances and feelings without criticism or judgment. Customers have simple expectations that we who serve them can put ourselves in their shoes, understanding what it is they came to us for in the first place.


3.Fairness We all need to feel we are being treated fairly. Customers get very annoyed and defensive when they feel they are subject to any class distinctions. No one wants to be treated as if they fall into a certain category, left wondering if “the grass is greener on the other side” and if they only received second best.


4.Control Control represents the customers’ need to feel they have an impact on the way things turn out. Our ability to meet this need for them comes from our own willingness to say “yes” much more than we say “no.” Customers don’t care about policies and rules; they want to deal with us in all our reasonableness.


5.Options and alternatives Customers need to feel that other avenues are available to getting what they want accomplished. They realize that they may be charting virgin territory, and they depend on us to be “in the know” and provide them with the “inside scoop.” They get pretty upset when they feel they have spun their wheels getting something done, and we knew all along a better way, but never made the suggestion.


6.Information “Tell me, show me – everything!” Customers need to be educated and informed about our products and services, and they don’t want us leaving anything out! They don’t want to waste precious time doing homework on their own – they look to us to be their walking, talking, information central.


Best Regards


Lorence Bugarin
par Lorence Bugarin , Secretary cum Human Resources Assistance , Royal Beach Resort & Spa 5*

Thank you for wonderful question MR. EMAD EIKHBIRY, for me Hotel Customer Service Basics are the following:

- SMILE (deal with the guest, make them feel that they can easily  approach you).

- COURTESY (keep warm and cool).

- CONFIDENCE (how to handle yourself in front of the guest)

- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Always give thanks)

-  RECOGNITION (make them feel that the HOTEL/RESTAURANT is looking forward to see them again and are welcome to comeback).




مها شرف
par مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

I agree with you. Thanks for the invitation. 

Ahmed Aboukhalil
par Ahmed Aboukhalil , restaurant manager , Amricana & Al Shaya

Customer service it's mean you have to handle the customer Complain or to assist them. 1- listen to the customer carefully. 2- apologize if it's complain 3- handle the complain or assist the customer if he need help 4- apologize again and make sure the customer is happy 5- thank the customer for choosing our hotel 6- invite the customer to visit us again

Yahia mohamed  Amen Gad
par Yahia mohamed Amen Gad , إدارة - مدرب - , سنابل الأجيال للتعليم والتدريب

Thank you for the invitation and I agree with Professor Answers Musab

grasium chidemo
par grasium chidemo , Criminal Intelligent Department , Zimbabwe Republic Police (government) CID

this basically is how proffesional and friendly and open minded a worker is in relation to communication with customers or generally with any new person you come along with.Handling of customers and attending to their needs immidiately and chearfully.Assisting customers where ever a need arise.Keeping your eye on customers if ever they need assistance you are first person to attend.Never have any temper come what may cause soem customers may try you.Never ague with customers even if they do thiongs against the rules of your work place and generally your appearance should be attractive to the customers

Sadeq Al-Abbad
par Sadeq Al-Abbad , Service Specialist , Halliburton Energy Services Inc

to be honset with your customer is the first basic and best policy they have to follow

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

Thanks for the invitation

Agree with expert's answers

Robin Slater
par Robin Slater , Content Moderator , Competence Call Center / Telus

I will answer this on two levels: (1) operational & (2) interpersonal.

Operational basics

  • Respect reservations & tariffs.
  • Clearly display and disclose policies, procedures, options etc for guests.
  • Remember the guest(s) names & their preferences (especially for loyal/returning customers).
  • If possible, provide extras/upgrades at not cost.
  • Fast, efficient and accurate billing & payment system.
  • Implement a suggestions/comments/complaints system.
  • Make each staff member (regardless of duty & responsibility) feel as an important and vital member of the entire team.  Happy staff give happy service!
  • Regularly meet with different hotel staff and departments to keep control and informed of situations and issues that need to be corrected, strenghtened or changed.
  • In case of errors/mistakes, retify them quickly and efficiently ... so that the client knows they have been treated with utmost respect and professionalism.
  • Ensure the safety, well-being and best interests of the guests in mind at all times.
  • Frequently revise and check the property to ensure that it is in optimal conditions.  Replace/repair when necessary.

Interpersonal basics

  • Anticipate the guests needs
  • Friendly, open and honest communication & interactions (both staff with staff, and staff with guests).
  • If you are not sure how to make sure the customer is satisfied and happy ... ask!
  • If returning guests, you should know their names, habits, likes and dislikes (part of anticipating mentioned above)
  • Treat and approach each guest as your personal friend/family

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