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من خلال شكات متخصصة او اخص دورة تدربية من خلال الشركات المختلفة او من مهندسين مختصين بذلك
First you need to have at least4 years full time career experince (with bachelor degree) or7 years full time career experience (without having a bachelor degree). If you do not have this kind of experience, you can apply for CAPM credential from PMI. Then you need to fill up an application and subitted online at, it will take some time, around5 business days for application review and approval, then you need to pay the exam fees, then, if in case you have been selected for an audit, in this case you need to get a signatures from your current and previous supervisors which confirm your experience. The project management experience need to be within at least one area of the project management phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, closing. GOOD LUCK
اذا كنت تقصد PMP فإنها لها شروط يجب أن تكون متوافرة لديك ، ومن ثم تأخذ دورة35 ساعة ، وامتحان فقظ.
برجاء اظهار التعليقات وقراءتها جيدا
يجب الدخول الى موقع pmi .org لمعرفة كل ما يختص بمجال مدير المشايع المحترف وكل الشروط الازمة للتحصل عليها مع رسوم الامتحان