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What are the 10 things a performance management system can do for you?

1- Increase rating accuracy and workplace productivity by differentiating performance2- Enforce Goal Alignment3- Actually Do Something with Employee Development Plans4- Enforce Consistent HR Performance Guidelines5- Provide Universal Access to Performance Information6- Get Better Data and Better Results7- Encourage Proactive Communication8- Beat the “Annual Because it’s Manual” Mantra9- Improve Employee Engagement with “Social Networking” Collaboration10- Retain your Key Contributors

Question added by Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor
Date Posted: 2013/09/25
Zafar Iqbal
by Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor

Please answer this question.

Krishnamurthy Vembu
by Krishnamurthy Vembu , Vice President, Human Resources , One of India's largest retail businesses

In simple words, a good PMS system can reduce attrition of key employees, increase productivity and help the company achieve more!

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