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How you sale a COMB when client is BALD HEAD and you are not allowed to lie. How do you convince the client?

i know its hard question, but maybe your answer can change the mind of sales people.

Question added by Omer Mohammad Awais , Senior Sales Consultant , Dar Wa Emaar
Date Posted: 2016/09/04
Emmanuel Wamweta
by Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

This dilema greately involves ethical conspirancy. Surely & sincerely, there is NO way you can sell a comb to a person with a bald head; thats absolutely out of question. First of all, a person with a bald head has no use for a comb; you have to break the "rule" (leing) to sell to him. Secondly,  person with a bald head may find it offensive & disgusting to sell a comb to him yet his has a bald head, he might loose temper & cool with you. Some people may find it unethical to lie in view of selling while others may find it okay to lie in view of selling at the expense of ethical practices.

On the hand however, a fair question or scenario would be; "selling a car to some who is already driving a car". In this case, a person would want you to convince him why he should buy a car when he is already driving one thus this scenario is fair & would bring out an individual's brilliance in selling products ethically.


Merwyn Machado
by Merwyn Machado , Head of Marketing , Bus 4x4 Pty Ltd

Such a cliche used from time immemorial in sales interviews as the ubiquitous "How will you sell ice to an Eskimo?". The old sales model is dead, long live sales. Would you rather sell a product or service to a prospect who has not use for it just to score a sale? However, if selling is essential, there can  be a couple of tactics that can be used here:

Vanity - Touch on the ego of the person to carry a comb. It might seem silly for others but for someone who has lost something, an object to remind him of a sentimental value does carry some merit

Hope - If he gets a hair transplant in the future, what best to prove his detractors or peers wrong than by carrying a comb?

Tactical Advantage - Best way to break the ice or get noticed at any meeting/party is to bring out the comb and lay it on the table. Sure to get comments or the job!

Once you start working on your sales pitch and find out what is offered the least resistance, work on that for the close.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I agree with experts answers ......... Thank you for invitation :)

Kamal Fayad
by Kamal Fayad , The Marketing, PR, Loyalty & CRM Head , Arabian Oud

Hahahahahah :) so funny. A similar question is :"how to sell shoes in a country which people there are ignorant and do not wear any thing in their feet?". But this is a new funny question.

May be to buy it as a gift to his loved: wife, daughter or his young son .. or a developed electric comb to massage his scalp :) to regrow the hair. It depends on the comb features/benefits.

Maher Ahmad
by Maher Ahmad , Head of Planning and Training Division , MOH

Thank you for the invitation.

Comb simply sell it to a member of his family or to his wife, is not a requirement to buy it to him personally.

Maen Al-Rawabdeh
by Maen Al-Rawabdeh , Supervisor Administration , Tornado Group


Comb can be sold for uses other parts of the body ..... and sell a comb to a consumer's family members ;)

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