Successful operations management requires proper maintained tools. In other words, to achieve customer satisfaction; tools should be delivered to them in best working condition and within the required time. It is possible when your maintenance engineering team is performing proper preventive and corrective maintenance to keep the tools available for operations.
Operations Management & Maintenance engineering is closely linked to each other, if you look at the control part in maintenance activity it is a function of operations management to control the palnned activity in terms of production, maintenance, etc.
Whenever there is a deviation in production/maintenance activities then one can sort it out with the help of operations management.
We can also say that maintenance engineering comes under operations management role and its a part of it.
If we look into todays world, we'll see that in many organizations Maintenance Engineers report to Operations Management.
To sum up with, Operations management and maintenance engineering is deeply linked to each other.
Mohammed Abdelseed , Maintenance Operations and Technical Support Section Head , Bashayer Pipeline Company
In the view of customer satisfactions, the main objectives of many companies are to produced, handle, transfer, by using equaipments, such as Pumps, Compressors, turbines, etc.., so the main function of the company is OPERATION, but the maintenance is the support services of the operation -- because maintenance is to keep or to restore back the equipment in to the standard operating condition, so maintenance always serve the Operation, by keeping the equipment reliable, running with in their acceptance operating range, and rectify the faulty component when it's needed.
Based on that busniess wize the main customer of maintenance section is OPERATION.
Operation management actually owns the plant they are responsible to plan each and every thing. They identify the problem which cause in operational activities. Maintenance engineer totally depend on the report. Mostly maintenance engineer are repot to operation management. To maintain the plant in best working condition both operation management and maintenance engineer should have deep relation on daily basis. They have deep working relation with each other. Every time they plan together for preventive maintenance and capital repair.
operation management provides the need for personnels, staff, coordination with the other party, deliver required materials or give support necessary to keep maintenance operations. while the maintenance engineering provides the necessary information, data, plan preventive maintenance, predictive/corrective, schedules of maintenance most specially assures the quality of work. that is why both operation management and maintenance engineering are related or linked with each other.
It's the bottleneck activities and the equipment involved (in maintenance) which link operation management with maintenance engineering, and also their are various other factors.
ALI BARNAWI , Mechanical Maintenace superintendent , MaSa Services Company for Operation and Maintenance (MaSa)
1- Excellent maintenance need a clear explanation from operation for the operating conditions 2- To ensure high-efficiency operation should be the work of maintenance do it by qualified technicians 3- Planning Department very important for maintenace department and operation department to inform them what each department what it did and what is the history of equipments
The link between operation and maintenance in any factory or power plant or any production workshops is the meetings the means of transport the defects or faults those observed or rejusted by operations