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Traffic and conversion rate - these are the two basis KPIs that show how successful your campaign is. Traffic actually shows whether consumers are attracted by what you offer - visual elements, text messages, product/service offer - are they interested enough to browse on the website. Conversion rate is the key to success that demonstrates that the potential clients are into it deeply enough to buy/spent money/receive services. That means that you actually got to the peoples' minds and identified the needs and insights correctly.
The main factors of rocking digital marketing campaign will be
1- Set SMART goals for your campaign to be able to evaluate your performance
2- Understand your buyer persona
3- Approach your audience at the right time and platform
4- Always measure your performance
Valuable element for successful campaign would be strategy. You should have your goals set along with your strategy. Execute your strategy according your short/long term goals.
Although Albert Einstein wasn’t talking about digital marketing in this quote, it is most certainly applicable to the subject. The ultimate success of a digital marketing campaign should not be solely measured by the number of people engaged or how many “likes” received – but instead by return on investment and other valuable key performance indicators related to business goals. A marketing campaign that is both successful and valuable should be anchored in business objectives and executed with strategy and creativity. So, how do you develop a truly effective digital marketing campaign?
Outline Your Goals
Objectives are the most fundamental component of any marketing campaign, digital or not. Goals will determine the direction for the entire campaign, from the general strategy to specific tactics. Campaign goals should not only be specific, measurable and realistic, but they should be purposeful and align with real business objectives. Getting more “likes” is great, but to be truly valuable it must deliver more meaningful results.
Determine a Strategy
Your digital campaign strategy should take into consideration every aspect of the campaign – from the target audience and messaging approach, to the channels of execution and budget. Developing an effective strategy requires a deep understanding of the various online channels and how they work together, as well as best practices to achieve maximum results. Once finalized, these strategic decisions should materialize into a comprehensive plan that directs/governs the entire campaign.
Establish Relevance
In order for a campaign to be impactful, it must be relevant to your target audience. Plain, broad messaging isn’t going to deliver valuable results. The true essence of marketing is to take pure business goals and make them into something your audience can relate to. Take a position. Incite an emotional response. Establish common ground. This kind of approach will help your company form a link between your messaging and your audience that will strengthen the effectiveness of your campaign.
Reach Your Audience
It’s pivotal that you actually reach your audience. You can’t assume that simply adding a promotion or page to your site will automatically attract your target audience. Reaching your target audience requires the application of strategic tactics such as emails, blog articles, search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, social media, personalization and retargeting. Furthermore, today’s online and social advertising functionality offer advanced targeting capabilities that are incredibly effective in helping businesses reach the right audience. For example, Facebook enables businesses to specify the target audience based on very specific criteria such as geographic location, age, interests, connections, education, and career among many other things. Such targeting provides control over a campaign that will help make it both successful and valuable.
Incorporate Visuals
We are visual beings. Social media platforms are becoming more image-based. Website trends feature larger, prominent imagery. And it’s because that saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, is true. Research indicates that using quality, branded visuals in a campaign can significantly strengthen its effectiveness, while simultaneously creating brand awareness and familiarity.% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed, times faster in the brain than text– allowing you to send a message to your audience clearly and quickly (sources:3M Corporation and Zabisco). Additionally, visuals are more likely to have an emotional connotation, helping you achieve relevance and increasing the chances that your audience will feel a real connection to your message – subsequently contributing to the achievement of your goals.
Integrate With All Channels
If there is anything we know about digital marketing, it’s that it doesn’t thrive in a silo. Because there are so many elements that compose a successful digital presence, it’s essential that you consider all of them when planning a campaign. Promoting your campaign among various online channels, while connecting with appropriate offline efforts, will increase the reach of your campaign and enhance its impact. Additionally, it would be a real miss if a well-produced social media post linked to a page on your website that was inconsistent in terms of messaging and branding.
Create Consistency
Continuity throughout your channel integration brings me to my next point. Consistency within a campaign is absolutely critical. While consistency will affect your credibility and authority – there is also a big difference between seeing a message, and actually receiving it. Streamlining your campaign elements across all channels will support awareness, as well as ensure that your audience gets the message. Achieving this level of cognizance among your audience is essential to the effectiveness of your campaign, as it will help move your audience to take the desired action.
Create Successful AND Valuable Campaigns
Developing a truly effective digital marketing campaign involves much more than achieving arbitrary metrics and engagement stats. It requires strategy and creativity to turn business objectives into audience action that delivers real results. The combination of outcomes is what makes a successful campaign valuable. It’s a formula for digital marketing success that even the great Albert Einstein might appreciate.
Successful campaigns must have good content, focusing on the layout and the quality.
It must be consistent and have a specific goals.
It must have a clear target market in which they can communicate with via Ads, emails, social media
The most valuable elements to run the digital campaigns
1)Product should be launched at proper time and venue.
2)Define the silent features of the product very specified.
There are lot of approaches depending on type of the product and size of the company. General reference points include standart insruments like websites with its mobile version, SEO, SEM, influencer marketing etc. But you can't sale a mechanism like hydroelectic turbine through social platforms. In this case digital campaign is likely an image insrument. There are also different stages of relations with customers. If you are a srartup digital campaign will be the best solution to make your company recognizable. Next steps for newborns should be gaining trust and demostrarion of reliability. The term reliability is comlex and a result of a daily systematic marketing work.
Your company’s value messaging will be the foundation on which your digital marketing plan will be built. Your digital marketing content should speak to the needs of potential buyers and introduce the value of your product or service. Before you create any content, you should be clear on your company’s value messaging.
There are many types of content around which to base your digital marketing plan. Some of the most important pieces include:
Equipping your team with the best marketing plan software is vital. Marketing automation toolsand services like HubSpot, Eloqua, and Marketo can act as the system of record for your team. Using these services you can manage each campaign, create landing pages and emails, track website visitors, and send alerts to your sales team as leads are generated.
Sales enablement is an area that continues to grow in importance. Sales enablement is concerned with the systems and processes that equip sales reps with the right content whenever and wherever it is needed. Sales enablement software is also an important component of your digital marketing plan because it ensures your content investment is not wasted.
So much of your digital marketing plan will center around high-quality content. Unless your content management system is sufficiently equipped to handle a high volume of content your marketing plan will suffer. Look towards content management tools and/or systems to integrate with existing workflows and systems. Your content management should also be able to integrate seamlessly with new processes and systems in the likelihood of a re-org.
The higher you place in search engine rankings the better chance you have of success with your digital marketing plan. There are a number of items to consider as you develop your SEO strategy. Consider the type of search terms potential buyers would use as they search for the type of enterprise software you offer. Once you have gathered a list of keyword search terms, you can start to develop the content required to start climbing up those search results. SEO content will take the form of blog posts, how-to guides, glossary pages, and best of lists.
Social media has an important role to play in your marketing plan. Research from IDG Connect shows that 86% of B2B buyers currently use social media in their purchase decision process. Effective social media tactics can help you to promote your content. If you mention a high profile company or thought leader positively in your content, it is always a good idea to tweet at the person. If they return the favor by sharing your content, it gets your content in front of a brand new audience. Kissmetrics put together an awesome graphic which we use to guide our publishing schedule.
A well carved out plan can steer digital marketers and organisation plan in the right direction and help them to identify and achieve their digital marketing objectives. Budgeting and planning, of chalking out a well thought out tactics that will cater to the needs of target audience . Planning is a skill that digital marketer can not afford to ignore and yet so many do surprisingly.
The simplicity of plan action is visible why we are /should taking each action because the best plans are built on powerful audience insights and the success of previous campaigns.
Analyse, Iterate & Reiterate actionsMade a great Plan / Based digital campaigns on it - GOOD- lets go back and fix it – Well yes, if it’s not giving the desired satisfactory outcome we’ll need to give working campaigns some clever tweaks.
Analysing and reporting on the success of campaigns at regular intervals will allow you to check what is working and what’s not. Analytics will help solve the riddle to identify the time wasting tactics that need to go. Then reinvesting and focussing the energy in the tactics that are meeting and exceeding the objectives (whatever metrics we desire).