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تطوير الشخصية لا يأتي بين يوم وليلة ولا يكون وليد الصدفة بل ياتي مع التجارب الحقيقية فأي شخص يمكن ان يفهم موضوع ما ولكن الاصعب ايصال الفكرة بشكل يناسب كل مرحلة عمرية وهكذا تتطور الشخصية .
التعلم والتعليم صفة مرافقة للانسان مدى حياته وتتوقف على مدى قابليته واستعداده لذلك, وبالتالي التطور المهني والشخصي في هذا المجال لا حدود له .
اذا توفرت الضروف المناسبة و الا فقد يخسر من شخصيته اكثر مما يكسب
Personality is what makes a person a unique person, and it is recognizable soon after birth. The factors that affect personality fall into two groups. One group consists of factors, like heredity, age and shape of the body that cannot be changed. The other group consists of factors, like clothing, knowledge, communication, behavior and manners that can be changed. If inputs of the changeable factors can be varied, the personality of the person will change. Thus, although, it may not be possible to change the basic structure and make up of a person, it is very much feasible to develop and mould a personality by good grooming, education, training and exposure to the right kind of environment. It is, therefore, logical to assume that a personality can be developed to a great extent. You can develop your personality by the following:
1. Be a good listener.2. Read more and expand your interests.3. Be a good conversationalist.4. Have an Opinion.5. Meet New People.6. Carry a diary wherever you can.7. Have a positive outlook and attitude.8. Smile and try to make others smile too.9. Be supportive of others.10. Have Integrity and treat people with respect11. Be kind and considerate12. Concentrate on your future goals.