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احب الورد
= It was delightful and interesting to pick up this question from hundreds of other questions concerning office and desktop topics, and focus on refreshing topic.
= Whether you love your job or not, some days at the office are just long. Refreshing your desk is just like buying fresh flowers from the farmers market on a Saturday morning and putting them in your kitchen. It won't change the world, but boy does it inject some new life into your space. And it makes you smile, doesn't it? The good news is that refreshing your desk does not require a lot of time or money!
Flowers ….flowers…… Flowers………… - We forget ourselves within the storm of daily work and we get crazy and tired after exhausted times of work and life issues. How can we refresh ourselves and live our life as it should be?- First step of happiness: start from your home, put fresh flowers on your kitchen table, and when you have a few extra stems, try to put them on your desk or nightstand too. How lovely seeing them when you walk through the room.
- It was scientifically proved that flowers have the power to boost your mood too! Flowers are a real pick-me-up for people who do not consider themselves “morning people.” Although you may generally feel least positive in the early hours, but you will be happier and more energetic after looking at flowers first thing in the morning!
- Flowers will help boost your mood any time of the day – not just in the morning. It was proved in another study that the mere presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction and affects social behavior in a positive manner.
- Flowers have bright and cheerful colors, they usually smell good, and are just overall nice to look at. When we’re in need of a little extra of desktop inspiration, fresh flowers usually do the trick!
- According to an article in Psychology Today that quotes several studies, plants can help increase productivity and attentiveness, reduce stress and improve workers' impressions of their workspace. So, you can choose to keep small plants on your desk. The best way also is to have a flower vase on your desk for adding a touch of freshness and vibrancy.
Yes....I really like flowers on my desk...........
من الذى لا يحب الورد رمز التفائل والايجابيه
الورد جميل وله اوراق .. عليها دليل من الاشواق
بالرغم من حبي للورود الا أني لا افضل وضعه على مكتبي في مكان العمل ولكن قد أضعه على مكتبي بالبيت
yes i luv flowers notably roses.they complement the look of the office. they give the impression that the office is alive. and the smell i like it.
بالتأكيد فالورد يعطي طاقة ايجابية كبيرة للعمل بنشاط
لا احب ذلك
رائع فى الصباح انا احب الورد على مكتبى