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What is the combination of row and column in MS office called?

Question added by Jino Jose , Sr. Sales Officer , Muna Noor Manufacturing & trading
Date Posted: 2017/01/09
Shaik Alavudeen Amanullah
by Shaik Alavudeen Amanullah , Business Development & Operation Executive , Saadi Saad Al Harbi & Partners Company

In Basic terms of office we call it as Excel . In general we called it as Table . So more specifically if we need to explain the terms we quote as a " Cell " where row is marked with number and column in alphabets

zaheer irani
by zaheer irani , Condition Monitoring Technician , Al Hosn Gas (Contract Hire)

A cell is an intersection of a column and row.

Each row is named by a number.

Each column is named by a letter or combination of letters.

The Excel XP Cell

In the picture above, the cell address of the selected cell is B3.

Hazel Villapando
by Hazel Villapando , Sales & Marketing , ARABIAN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY for Steel Structures

Combination of row and column is called intersection.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

It called cell

3rd column and 4th rows would be called "Cell C4"

Hafeez Marackar
by Hafeez Marackar , Logistics specialist , Scientific Diamond Company

Combinations of raw and coloumn called table

Deleted user
by Deleted user

The combination of row and column in MS officeis called table

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