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الإحترام والأخوة
الاحترام المبتبادل ووجود حدودلكل شخض
اولها الاحترام المتبادل
ثم روح التعاون في العمل لان كل موظف يكمل مايقوم به الموظف الاخر ليتم انجاز العمل علي النحو المطلوب وبشكل مميز
in a teamwork the Cooperation is required for both men or women , in human relationships the respect is an important thing either in work or even in live
Both of these two genders are equal in office and only organizational policies and employee handbook is the only frame work that govern the male and female relationship at work.
In my view there is no any framework between man and woman because both of them are equal and there should be the equality between them. I think each and every work can be given to both.
الأطر القانونية
الاحترام ......
سيدي الكريم اسم شامل بالنسبة لي لجميع الآطر التي تسال عنها
شكرا لطرحك
It's important that both genders work with an attitude of respect and professionalism towards each other. This applies in communication as well as body language. It's important to maintain appropriate boundaries at work and not get too involved emotionally or romantically with a co-worker at work. This has the tendency to impair professional judgement and also makes the situation uncomfortable for other colleagues in the workplace.