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"Leaders are made, not born" or "Leaders are born, not made"- which one do you think is correct? and why?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2017/01/17
Farooq Ashraf
by Farooq Ashraf , Managerial , U.S. Consulate General, Lahore

It has been a long outstanding discussions.  In my view in order to become a leader one should have leadership skills.  As far as my experience is concerned skills can be learned through practice.  To be a leader one should show leadership skiils and qualities such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, organizing and management skills, coordination and collaboration skills and most importantly team building and team work skills.  

Mohamed Mohsen Mohamed Elfeel
by Mohamed Mohsen Mohamed Elfeel , Training Manager , Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh

80% born Leaders

20% Made leaders

genetic traits have a real effect,

Some times your genetic makes decisions for you, no one in full control.

Marwan Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed
by Marwan Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed , Projects scheduling and Controlling Manager , WE - Telecom Egypt


 Leaders are born, not made  because it a talent skills could improved 

dawood mohsen
by dawood mohsen , mechanical engineer , AL-Behar group industries

From my point of view in order to become a successful captain must have leadership skills. Skills that can be learned through practice. Such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, management skills, and the skills of coordination and cooperation and, most importantly, having analytical skills and problem-solving skills, entrepreneurship, innovation, ability to accommodate others,

There are skills and qualities innately born with the person leader 

mouawad el hajal
by mouawad el hajal , Founder And Owner , Mouawad Riad El Hajal Law Office

Actually all people in principle are born with the same traits and potentials. at later stage many factors help shape our character like social environment, parents, school, brief any person can become a leader as long as he lives in the right enivornment allowing him to explore his leadership potentials.

Fahad  Jameel
by Fahad Jameel , Sales and marketing executive , Datandlers Pvt. Ltd.

Leaders are made, not born

Rusmy Ahamed
by Rusmy Ahamed , service engineer , Medisurg International

leaders are born ,not made

Regan Aiyappa
by Regan Aiyappa , Senior Manger , Aiywel Technologies

Behavioral Theories believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning and observation. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice and experience over time. Leadership learning is lifetime activity

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
by Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


Leaders born not made, since the inherent skills born with him and no one can made it

Maher Ahmad
by Maher Ahmad , Head of Planning and Training Division , MOH

Thank you for the invitation.

Leadership is innate talent, and can be developed in some people, so leaders are born rather than made.

Dr Khaled Alsumairi
by Dr Khaled Alsumairi , HR Consultant , Alternatives Dispute Resolution Consultancy

In some societies for example, leaders did not go to schools but they are leaders by default. The leaders are born with certain personalities and skills and may need to be improved by some practices only. So, I totally agree with Mr. Mohammed Elfeel that 80% born and 20% made.

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