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Do you think that becoming a vegetarian is a wise choice? Why or why not?

Question ajoutée par Abeer AlSayed , Senior Media Relations Officer , Jordan River Foundation
Date de publication: 2017/03/05

Scientists say the last thing their findings from research that vegetarians less susceptible to cancer, and this is good news no doubt for those vegetarians, but there are encouraging healthy factors in eating meat, cucumber, following the investigation deals with vegetarians and most associated with nutritional aspects problems compared with others who rely on their food the meat along with other food products from vegetables and legumes, fruits and others.

Who are vegetarians?

There is no fixed term for vegetarians, for different ideas, with their agreement in their refusal to eat meat, and with that many who eschew animal food intake consider themselves vegetarians, but some of these people avoid eating red meat, while others avoid all animal products, and a lot others fall between these two groups.

Types of vegetarians:

Entirely vegetarian (vegan): They are refusing to eat meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, honey, and some of them they eat only vegetables raw.

Partial vegetarian, they eat certain types of meat and reject some, religious or health reasons. Among them:

Allambro vegan, vegetarian or dairy, (lacto vegetarians), and they do not eat meat, no fish, no chicken, no eggs, but they consume dairy products and animal products.

Vegetarian eggs (ovo vegetarians) and they do not eat meat, no fish, no chicken, no dairy products, but they ate the eggs.

Vegetarian dairy and eggs: (Lacto-ovo vegetarians) and they do not eat meat, no fish, no chicken, but they consume dairy products and eggs.

Vegetarian fish (pescetarian pesco vegetarians) and they do not eat meat, no chicken, they ate fish.

Vegetarian chicken (Pollo vegetarians): They do not eat meat, no fish, but they ate chicken.

Semi-vegetarians (Semi- or partial vegetarians) and they avoid eating meat, but they eat fish and chicken.

Interested Macrobayutik food system (Macrobiotic diet) and is the basis of brown rice and other whole grains as well as vegetables, legumes, or derivatives thereof, seaweed, and small amounts of fish, and limited amounts of certain fruits. This is to avoid dairy products and food processing industrial, as well as the refinery food.

Alvijans, and their habits close to Orthodox Christians habits in their festivals, because they do not use any animal products, eggs, milk, or protein, etc, and even vegetarian meal that contains extracts from the animals, and leather products as well.

Vegetable reasons:

There are many reasons why vegetarians to the behavior of this approach, including:

* Religious: The 70% of the vegetable world are Indians, Buddhists or Hindus, and they see that the animal was killed in the shrine of killing a human being, because we are all God's creatures, whereas in Christianity, there is no prohibition of meat, however English writer Karen Armstrong said in a book about Christ's saying about that, the meat you eat meat, oh this aggression.

As for Islam, it is forbidden to eat pork, and in an interview with Sharif called us Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to moderation in food.

* Health: where he sees a lot of vegetarians to meat damage more than the benefits, and that the ratio of useful items in a few meat, and do not need to eat these large quantities of meat to get them, and can be obtained from other sources. Of course in addition to those ill from eating meat, such as gout.

* Moral: It is the most important reason to avoid eating meat, as what happens to the animals in the massacres before slaughter of torture Burberry has no justification, and or abysmal treatment of the animals in the breeding farms, where she lives, for example, the types of poultry in funds does not exceed the size of 30 * 30 cm throughout her life, or cows in the farmer does not see the light of the sun, or at the very filth and disease conditions, which is up to us in the end consumers of meat.

* Environmental: These thinkers believe that breeding animals such huge quantities lead to ecological imbalance, and the consumption of large quantities of crops, was supposed to be used for other purposes, such as sending these foods to the poor countries that suffer from famines. The waste hurt everyone who lives on the farm.

* Fear of the disease: Many of the animals represent a good vessel for the growth of diseases, and some animals may harm human when eaten and were not sick. Such as mad cow and avian flu and foot and mouth disease (Foot and Mouth Disease FMD) in sheep. The number of chickens in a medium-sized farm between one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand, die them daily about two hundred and fifty, due to ventilation and bad living conditions, and you have the rest of the animals to live with the bodies of her brothers (rotting sometimes) a few days to be discovered and throw it. Because the chicken from animals more susceptible to diseases are being injected quantities of antibiotics and reach us through to fruition. Experiments have already demonstrated the risk of chicken due to the illness or because of vaccines or chemically processed foods in the body of the chicken.

The most important drawbacks of vegetarians:

Opponents claim that the direction of plant and animal proteins found only in animals only, and that is necessary to eat the meat of animals, especially fish, and you can not plant alternatives such as soybean compensated.

But the fact that vegetable alternatives may offset most of the meat, but for the fish he can count one to be addressed by the least little, and the evidence for this themselves vegetarians who are often the best health of those who eat meat greedily.

Vegetarians and diseases

One of the best aspects of the vegetarian diet is that it is the system in which you eat as little as possible from the elements that contribute to the emergence of diseases.

It is those elements of cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium. At the same time, the fruits and vegetables provide healthy amounts of vitamins and potassium, while offering nuts, olive oil, omega - 3 multi and mono, unsaturated (the good fats), fish grata in particular, to the presence of omega - 3, and proteins.

A study published in 2006, the benefits of a vegetarian diet has been confirmed. Scientists compared 35 healthy vegetarians, with 35 of the non-vegetarians healthy.

Any of all those volunteers did not address any medication, and did not smoke any of them, and did not drink alcohol.

On average, the vegetarians agile than the others, and had their blood pressure is less, as was cholesterol and sugar levels have less. As the function of the heart, arteries and the degree of response, the best they have.

But in order to make more healthy vegetarian food, the meals must contain the products of the dairy-free or low-fat, whole grains, olive oil and other healthy fats. The following are the most important diseases and the most at risk of contracting among vegetarians and meat eaters:


Most at risk: Meat eaters

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs as a result of the immune system to attack the lining of the joints, which causes pain and spasm. A condition that affects millions of people around the world annually.

Eating large amounts of red meat (ie five meals or more per week) is well-known risk factor.

A study by the British rheumatoid arthritis research campaign has found that people who eat meat daily face the risk of the disease twice as those who eat meat less, perhaps twice a week. The researchers who monitor and study the eating habits of about 25 thousand people, and see, that the collagen in meat evoke a reaction by the immune system and allergic. And several research agree that vegetarians less prone to cancer, but what about other health problems?

One other potential risk factors that could cause health risks is a high percentage of iron found in meat, it has been shown that iron accumulates in the joints is damaging tissue and leads to destruction.


Most at risk: Vegetarians

Research indicates that one in every six couples have trouble in their attempts to give birth, and there is some evidence to show that the problem is getting to eat vegetarian food. Studies believes that eating large amounts of soy, popular among high-vegetarians because they contain a protein, it can affect a woman's fertility. Researchers at King's College in London has shown that the compound is available in soy known as genistein destroys sperm while on his way to fertilize an egg. And is available in both genistein soy products. The researchers recommend women and the need to avoid soy intake in times of fertilization of every month to help pregnancy.


Most at risk: Meat eaters

Gallstones occur when the material turns bile or yellow, which are liquid in the habit, to the stones. The gravel can be very painful, and that the van did not address the patient will need to be a process to eradicate the bitterness. One possible causes that lead to the formation of gallstones are high in saturated fat (found in meat) in the food.

A study of more than 45 thousand men has found that those who ate red meat are exposed to be gallstones have more than 18 percent compared with those who ate vegetables and unsaturated fats.

It is believed that foods that contain high levels of unsaturated fat increases sensitivity to insulin, which in turn prevents the formation of gravel in the gallbladder.

Tooth erosion

Most at risk: Vegetarians

Tooth erosion occurs when the contact between acid and teeth happens, in general, the vegetables and fruits are considered acidic, studies have found that vegetarians are more prone to erosion of the teeth.

Dentists in British Dundee University have found that cooking and cooking different ways can increase the acidity in the vegetarian dishes, such as grilled vegetables, and exposing vegetables to high temperatures occur chemical changes make the acid more focused, and more damage to the teeth.

In particular, the level of acid found in zucchini, peppers, onions and pumpkins grow when Xue.


Most at risk: Meat eaters

Alzheimer's is linked to the formation of amyloid beta protein clusters in the brain.

It is believed that eating foods rich in antioxidants and plant components useful vitamins called Boulibfinolat, available in fruits and vegetables, can provide protection against these blocks are protein.

A study by Columbia University have found that people who suffer from mild memory problems become less susceptible to 48 per cent of injury Alzheimer's disease if consumed foods peoples of the Mediterranean (which relies on fruits and vegetables with meat less) compared with those who eat meat on a regular basis. Researchers noted that the risk of weak memory has fallen by one-third after reducing meat intake and eat more fruits, vegetables and grains.


Most at risk: Meat eaters

Osteoporosis affects one in three women and one man out of every 12 men at some stage of their lives.

According to the National Association of the fragility of the bones in Britain, the high intake of animal protein from red meat can have bad effects on bone health. While the body to digest meat produces acidic deposition, and these sediments should be neutralized with alkali metal salts such as calcium, which can be posed if human bones did not address enough calcium. Known for leafy vegetables such as cabbage and kale it is rich in calcium, while the proportion of calcium in meat are almost too scarce.


Most at risk: Vegetarians

One of the important vitamins for the body that increase the risk of vegetarians depression is a lack of vitamin B-12.

Vitamin B-12 is not only in meat, dairy products or other foods such as grains, which are artificially enriched with vitamins available. The eating great importance to the growth of cells and strengthen nerve function.

But you will not need to eat a lot of animal protein to get enough of this vitamin, as the adult human needs only the proportion of 5.1 mg per day, a figure that can be offered steak.

But that did not get the small percentage of the vitamin B-12, you undoubtedly exposed to the risk of neurological problems, including mood and depression strike.

Says Bridget Bnnelam of the British Nutrition Foundation The lack of vitamin B12 can lead to a sense of the situation of severe fatigue, as well as a sense of mood disorders and disorders of the brain. Eating yeast products can help because they contain vitamin B 0.12 even though the meat remains the best source for this vitamin.

muscle atrophy

Most at risk: Vegetarians

Muscular Dystrophy (or wasting) is one of the possible side effects associated with any type of foods in which the protein content less, the basic material that build and renovate muscles.

He says nutritionist Louis Sutton, a diet expert at Leeds Metropolitan University, said that anyone who turns from eating meat to plant foods and does not compensate the protein found in meat can be exposed to dangerous abilities have muscle or exposure to muscular dystrophy.

And include the best sources for vegetable protein: beans, rice, broccoli, peanut butter, soy, tofu or quinoa (a long fibrous leaves and plants are abundant in South America).

Food Poisoning

Most at risk: Meat eaters

Although many cases of food poisoning linked to dairy products, but the oysters or power unwashed good or chicken or red meat is one of the most important reasons.

And raw red meat can be a haven for a series of dangerous germs such as E - Coli and Salmonella and Campylobacter (campylobacter) - which can cause poisoning.

Studies carried out by the British Food Standards Agency that 89 per cent of people do not hoard meat in a healthy, as it should be kept in closed containers in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so they do not fall on other foods sediment and pollution have shown. The study also showed that 63 per cent of people do not wash their hands when dealing with raw meat, which leads to the transfer of bacteria to the rest of the foods.

Other diseases

Most at risk: Meat eaters

A French study demonstrated a relationship a group of diseases that they dealt with vegetarians are less likely and 40% likely to develop breast, prostate and colon cancer.

It is amazing that there is another study found that vegetarians have low levels of a growth factor called. Ji. F - 1 and which is associated with the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer. Similarly, the same French study confirmed that the rate of cardiovascular disease among vegetarians and due to lower cholesterol in their diet and maintain a moderate measure of blood pressure by about 30% less than others. In contrast, some American studies have shown that vegetarians have lower levels of C-reactive protein, a cause of inflammatory part, and which is associated with the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

The importance of proteins for the body

Meats contain a lot of protein high energy needed by the human body, in addition to fat and vitamins that we find lacking among vegetarians, such as vitamin B12, vitamin A, as well as minerals found in fish such as iodine and phosphorus.

The protein essential for the growth and development of the body, where its members provide him with energy and is essential for the production of hormones, antibodies and enzymes and tissues, as well as helping to maintain the appropriate balance between acidity and alkalinity in the body.

And disintegrate proteins into amino acids, including primary, which the body can not composition must be obtained from food, either amino nonessential acids may be the body composition of the other amino acids, and building muscle requires multiple amino acids to make proteins, and in case there is a chronic shortage of the process build protein in the body will stop which leads to body injury damage.

The proteins are two: First, the full animal and origin of meat, fish, poultry and their products, while the second type is: incomplete and that some acids containing essential amino are found in a variety of foods such as cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, while meat contains fat as well as the use of antibiotics and hormones mixture and feed in the livestock and poultry breeding, and in this case it is advisable eating animal food in moderation and replacing it with food-style called interpolation or mutual integration within several days per week.

The aim of combining proteins missing together to form a complete protein, it is necessary to deal with many amounts of all the essential amino acids, such as the combination of beans, brown rice, where both are rich in protein, but they both lacked one or more of the essential amino acids, and when you combine them get complete protein as a substitute for meat, in addition to being a high quality.

Vegetarian diet: pros and cons

Food plant has many benefits, but the total reliance upon his disadvantages and problems.

It is known that a vegetarian diet and frequent availability of fiber which helps the large intestine protection system and reduces the incidence of malignant tumors of the colon as it prevents constipation and gives a good amount of vitamins necessary for growth and immune and get a normal healthy skin, so it is advisable with plenty of eating fruits and vegetables in order to prevent constipation and reduce cholesterol and weight.

But relying on a vegetarian diet exchange has its problems, as vegetarians and people who abstain from eating meat on them to compensate protein, iron and B vitamins by other means.

Through the experiences of doctors, with residents in the state and private Indian vegetarians, there is a class of them compensate for this loss by diversifying plants and eating oils leads to obesity and the emergence of the rumen along with high cholesterol and increased the digestive tract, such as gas problems, while there is another category exposed to poverty chronic blood by a severe lack of vitamin b-12, iron, zinc and calcium.

It cons and cons vegetarian diet problem of indigestion due to stomach gas filling, and some American research confirmed that vegetarians men are more vulnerable to sexual dysfunction than others, due to lower consumption of protein in their diet causes a decrease in hormone levels male, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Some studies conducted on the basis of a broad referendum on the health and nutrition habits also showed that young vegetarians and especially girls are more likely to commit suicide than their colleagues carnivorous.

It is also the disadvantages of this diet that some varieties of vegetarian food is not appetizing, with the difficulty of diversification in its colors and length of cooking, and pregnant and lactating women and children need to take extra amounts of food to make up for the lack of food that lacks the style of their food.


The lack of protein and some vitamins and minerals found in meat makes vegetarians forced to dietary supplements consumption brokered CDs pharmaceutical, and most important of these vitamins and returned (vitamin B-12 and vitamin D, iron, zinc, calcium) as some minerals such as iron, for example, are difficult to be absorbed from food plant must therefore rich in food consumption of vitamin C, which speeds up the body's absorption of iron process, as for vitamin D and calcium, and groups of vegetarians who do not consume milk and milk products need to be exposed to sunlight for a period of not less than 15 minutes to maintain strong healthy bones and teeth.

Karla Mae Solosa
par Karla Mae Solosa , kitchenstaff , Uncle Cheffy Brick-oven Global Cuisine

Definitely YES! because most of the people now gain weight because of lack of nutritious food, vegetable is important in our body to protect us from sickness. 

Suzanne Sayyed Ahmad
par Suzanne Sayyed Ahmad , Administrative Assistant


 Becoming a vegetarian is not a wise choice, because it will deprive the body from essential element and vitamins and minerals which some of them are only found in meat sources and some of them are found in plants but are inadequate for the human body and if you don't test there levels in the body frequently, eventually you will have multiple deficiencies and therefore many issues such as hair loss bone marrow loss and anemia.


Vegetarianism is a good lifestyle for avoiding the ill effects of consuming more Non veg foods. And so many things are there when you are think to become veg diet. Because the bio availability of veg foods is less than non veg foods in the matter of Iron, protein and Vit A etc...

Some important considerations for vegetarianism,

 -  You must be sure on availability of all type of vegetables an pulses around you. 

 - Green Leafy vegetables, Fresh Fruits

 - Even though vegetarian, try  to add Lac-to ova veg foods( like Milk and egg) for your daily diet to get vital nutrients. So it will not affect your health status. 

Asif Ahmad
par Asif Ahmad , Professor , PMAS-Arid Agriculture University

vegetarianism isn’t for everyone. If you are fanatically devoted to meat (and I was at one time, so I understand), you might not be interested. If you already eat healthy, or you’re not interested in your health, you might not be interested.

Here are some pros and cons:

  1. Cut the fat. While meat provides a lot of protein, it also provides a ton of fat — especially saturated fat. Which means that by cutting out meat, you’ll be cutting out a lot of bad fat, and replacing it with things that are probably not only lower in fat, but that contain some good fats. This greatly reduces your risk of heart disease, and in fact numerous studies have shown that vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of heart disease, as well as hypertension, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. 
  2. Less food poisoning. Food poisoning gets millions of people each year — and many of them from meat, which is a good breeding ground for harmful bacteria, especially if not stored, prepared or cooked exactly right. Cut out meat and you lower your risk of food poisoning (especially if you also cut out eggs and dairy, but that’s optional).
  3. Reduce the suffering. You probably don’t want to hear about the horrific treatment of animals that are raised for food, even before they are slaughtered for our benefit. But suffice it to say, there are great amounts of suffering involved, and by cutting out meat, you are reducing your involvement in that. 
  4. Help the environment. There are actually numerous ways that the meat industry harms the environment, from a waste of our resources (animals raised for food eat enough grain to feed the world), to a waste of fuel, to the pollution caused by their waste matter, and much more. 
  5. Help your weight loss. It’s possible to be vegetarian and eat very unhealthy foods, including Coke and fries and fried stuff and pizza and chips. But it’s much more difficult. Studies repeatedly show that vegetarians are slimmer and are less likely to be obese than meat eaters. If you’re trying to lose weight, being a vegetarian can be a good part of your program.
  6. Get more nutrition. In general (though not necessarily), vegetarians replace meat with more nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and so on. If you do that, you will be getting more of the nutrients your body needs, giving you better health, less illness, and more energy.

Shaik Sayed Md  Rashidul Hossain
par Shaik Sayed Md Rashidul Hossain , Deputy Manager , BRAC

Actually being a veterinarian could be a good for any individual if he or she can ensure all nutrients for their body.


There might possibility developed certain mineral and vitamin deficiency   which could be detrimental for your body in worst case of scenario it could be life threatening. So if you really want to be a vegan you need to consult with a good nutritionist on continuous basis. 

Maricar Morqueda
par Maricar Morqueda , Head trainer/ teacher , Foundation University

Yes, for healthy living and less medical bills in the future. What you eat is what you are.

Jessica Marie Alarcon
par Jessica Marie Alarcon , food server/Host , Casa Blanca Music Lounge

yes, in the fact that you becoming fit its also good for your health.

Ines Lasota
par Ines Lasota , Transaction due diligence , Moneygram

Yes beacause there are numerous research-proven health benefits to following a vegetarian diet, but only if you’re doing it properly and not substituting meat with processed or high-fat vegetarian products.

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