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If I've got a business idea & don't have money to invest ,then how can I raise the Funds to develop the Business project from investors?

Question added by KHALID ALGHUNAIM , Freelancer Logistics &Shipping Consultant , Freelancer
Date Posted: 2017/03/13
ايمن محمد عاطف محمد
by ايمن محمد عاطف محمد , Director of the control and regulation unit , ACOLID

Using the preparation of a feasibility study of the idea of the project and through it can collect money from investors

Fredy Ouseph
by Fredy Ouseph , Chief Executive Officer , Smart City Company for General Trading and Contracting

Idea is not only enough to raise funds. But it needs proper market information which includes demand supply data, financial projections and risk analysis report, etc. First approach friends and relatives, private equity investors, angel investors convince with your ideas and attract the investments and if you did not raise enough then approach financial institutions.

Ezzalarab Alazzah
by Ezzalarab Alazzah , Senior Cost & Contracts Director , Turner Arabia - Turner International Middle East (TiME)


A simple detailed strategy & business plan & feasibility Study is essentials for seeking or attracting funds to your intended business. This will provide security to the fund provider.

Wish you the best

Navneet Bhatia
by Navneet Bhatia , Director , Universal Hydrogen

Depending on the amount of investment required and the business sector, you can approach the investors. For a technology-driven or consumer related business, which requires a small investment, you can approach Angel Investors, HNIs, Venture Capital Funds, etc. You can also approach the banks in case you have collateral to put as a security. 

For a very small investment size, friends/family or your network could be helpful.

Alaa Eldin Abd Elreheem
by Alaa Eldin Abd Elreheem , Accountant And Auditor , Consultants for Accounting and Auditing "CAA"

If you don't have a current working project so you can use this options:

- Via Bank Loan

- Accomplish LTD company and share the capital in Capital Market Authority.


If you have a current working project you can use methods above in additional to:

- liquid fast cash like ( cash in box or bank, collecting receivables balance, selling Inventory )

- selling asset

- get more partners

Visal Joseph
by Visal Joseph , Tax Manager , Al Mizan Tax Consultants L.L.C

1. Raise money through bank loan

2. Use venture capital

3. Bootstraping


You have to undergo a feasibility study depending on your business ideas, sector and environment, then start to write your business idea proposal by starting with identification level until to appraisal level. note that, no illusion project.After that you can go to Financial Institution for presenting your business proposal if they see your idea is viable they can fund you to implement you project for future profit.

Zafrulla Aman
by Zafrulla Aman , Assistant Manager , Acuity Securities Ltd

project financing,give yor business idea and if its feasible get a financing from a bank or a individual.

sijo Xavier
by sijo Xavier , Manager , Al-babtain Group

Upon feasibility of the project,That includes demand supply data, financial projections and risk analysis report, etc. First approach the Comapny or Group  which you are working.if they dont have the intrest  then approach financial institutions.

soliman melod salem shariha
by soliman melod salem shariha , Director of the Financial Department of the Department of Laminates of Life and Health , Trust Insurance Company

By entering into a partnership with the business people by giving them the largest percentage

Clyde Warren Govender
by Clyde Warren Govender , Business Development Manager , Dulux Specialist Paint Centre

Drawing a business plan on paper showing investors who my potential customers would be, how I aim to capture market share and highlighting the time frame in which my investors would see a return on their investment

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