First, that's the main reason why business exists.
Second, the main purpose of having a business, is to attract customers,providing them quality service. Business will never last long if it has a very inefficient customer service. Efficiency is one of the key factors for a business to last.
Third, It would enrich all three parties. The businessman, the employees and the customers. If all these three coordinate and collaborate, expect for prosperity.
Our school used to be an inferior college in 1960's. But because of persistence and efficient customer service, it's now one of the largest universities in the Philippines. It is internationally known for its largest maritime school in the Philippines.
The school has more than 50 thousand students yearly in all four campuses.
It has now its two hospitals and just inaugurated its first medical school.
It is all because of quality customer service.
I hope I have answered your question sir. Thank you and God bless!
The owner is simply a catalyst of change, a father and a friend to us all.