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How to prepare stock quantity & usage effectively especially for the new organsation ?

New organisation want to establish stock usage for that which are the criteria we can adopt. we can prepare batch no for each product and material purchase and unified the name or any other option

Date Posted: 2017/03/26
Bansidhar Sukumaran
by Bansidhar Sukumaran , Distribution Centre Manager , STREIT Group- Armored Vehicles Manufacturer

The kind of product you will be stocking is not mentioned here, and since you are going to stock for the first time, you might not be having the Movement history. It will be a good idea to do a market analysis to get the trend /Monthly Avg. Demand  of the products & you can start ordering them accordingly. Pls. post your customer inquiries/loss sales meticulously,which will help in material requirement planning. Plan the months of stock you will keep.


Classify them as given below & configure  the Category in the system, or if you do not have a system in place, record them manually on cardex for the time being. 


1) FMS- Fast -Medium-Slow Moving

2) VED- Very Essential-Essential-Desirable

3) ABC-  A-High Value, B- Medium value, C- low value

( You can use ABC & VED combination if you are into pharmaceuticals, for others you can use ABC & FMS) 


Once you have a system in place, the Categories can be automated based on the parameters you define, further to this an ordering parameter can be applied in the sytem as given.      

Monthly Average Demand X ( Lead time+ Safety stock + order cyle )- ( Stock on hand+Order Qty+ Back order Qty),  the system will automatically suggest the quantities accordingly.  

Based on the information provided you can browse them on internet to get more information.


Richard Houeis
by Richard Houeis , Trade and Project Coordinator , La Tulipe Noire & Diocese of Mexico and Central America

Order picking is the activity by which a small number of goods are extracted from a warehousing system to satisfy independent customer orders.

So to maintain stock availability you have to replenish by supplying what is missing in stock.


My answer is D - Replenishment. 

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