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What is the most useful fruit? Why?

Question ajoutée par Salma Eid , Dietitian/Nutritionist , Muscle Power Sports, Nutrition Centre
Date de publication: 2017/04/23

What are the best types of fruits in terms of benefits ???




Contains large amounts of sugar and is very rich in vitamins and yeast helps digestion 70% of water weight and 20% of its weight sugar There is a pineapple in the material called bromelain, which helps digest the heaviest food on the stomach .... Also found a lot of mineral salts Such as iodine and phosphorus ...


It prevents pineapple for diabetics


Annals benefit in the management of urine and the control of toxins in the blood and is useful for sexual energy.




Oranges contain 80% water weight, about 2% fat, about 10% fiber, 5% mineral substances, acids and about 3% sugars and vitamins. In orange there are mineral salts such as large, phosphorus, calcium, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2


Orange helps to stabilize the lime in the bones resistant to colds and helps protect the teeth from decay as well as the benefits of orange It activates blood circulation and strengthens the liver ..... Not recommended drinking orange juice for patients with gastric ulcers and the twelve




100 grams of apples contains 85 percent water weight - 12 percent sugar and 90 units of vitamin A - 40 units of vitamin B - 20 units of vitamin C - 4 grams of fiber and a lot of mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.


- There is a substance in the apple called (pectin), which helps to get rid of acidity and gas in the stomach, and also limits the rise of cholesterol in the blood and stops rising

, It also helps to stabilize the blood sugar.


Apple treats constipation and diarrhea because of its ability to regulate gastrointestinal digestion and intestinal acidity of the stomach and helps to break up gallstones.


To prevent atherosclerosis, two apples are eaten a day. One of the benefits of apples is that it removes uric acid, activates the liver, calms the cough and relieves tiredness.




100 grams of peach contains 85 percent water weight and 5 grams of sugar - 1 gram of carbohydrates - 1 gram of citrus and half a milligram of iron and half a gram of protein and fat - phosphorus - sulfur - and a high percentage of vitamins.


Peach helps to stimulate the stomach and helps digestion and diuretic and helps in the case of indigestion also helps to remove the bladder stones and bloody urine. Peach peel contains soft fibers and high vitamin A content.

It is forbidden to eat peaches for people with diabetes and is not recommended to eat for patients with stomach ulcers or infected with bowel.




100 grams of apricot contains many mineral salts, especially phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Apricot contains 13 grams of sugar - 1 gram protein - 30 milligrams of fat - 20 grams of calcium - 20 milligrams of iron and fiber.


Apricot helps in making red blood cells and activates visual acuity and increases the strength of the body to defend diseases. Apricot helps in the case of anemia and is useful for liver, hair and nerve functions. It is useful for blood patients in the urine. It is also used for the formation of bones and mucous membranes.


It is recommended not to eat for people with indigestion or with acute inflammation of the intestines and stomach and not to drink cold water after eating.




100 grams of grapes contains 95 percent water weight - 7 grams of glucose - 1 gram of fat - 16 grams of carbohydrates, half a gram of protein and 20 milligrams of vitamin C and the best grape varieties are large in size and white color.


Grapes are a tonic for muscles, nerves, cells, body toxins, antiseptic, and diuretic. Grapes are useful for people with bone weakness, blood disorders, gout, lung disease, and rheumatism.


Grape helps the body to store the nitrogenous and fatty substances in the body, thus increasing its immunity and resistance to diseases and fatigue. Grape should be washed well before eating to remove the copper sulphate material that is sprayed on the grapes.




100 grams of pomegranate contains 85 percent water - 10 percent sugar - 1 percent citric acid - 3 percent protein - 2 percent fiber - 1 milligram fat - 10 grams calcium - 3 milligrams of iron, vitamin C and vitamin b.


Pomegranate is used in the manufacture of medicines to treat the digestive system and gastric ulcers. If drinking pomegranate juice and sweetened with honey, it softens the intestines and eliminates constipation and aids in the treatment of dysentery and treatment of dysplasia and inflammation of the mucous membrane. In cleaning the ducts and chest and disinfects blood, for treatment prefer to eat pomegranate lobes with white pulp.


the banana


100 grams of bananas contain 70 percent water weight, about 25 percent weight starch, 20 percent sugar, sugar, cane sugar, fat, fiber, protein, mineral salts, 60 milligrams of iron, about 40 milligrams, calcium, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B2.


Bananas are rich in fibers that protect the body from cancerous tumors. It also protects the body from anemia and helps the body to release salt because of the presence of potassium. Mixing banana juice with milk helps calm the stomach ulcers. Calcium found in bananas is higher in calcium and milk. - Banana peel contains the substance of isratonin, a substance that is a component of the brain and helps to calm the nerves and a sense of satisfaction,


Bananas are forbidden to people with diabetes and liver disease.




100 grams of watermelon contains 90 percent water weight - 10 grams of sugar - half a gram of protein - 7 milligrams of fat - 9 milligrams of calcium,


It also contains vitamin A - vitamin C - iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium,


Watermelon is useful for people with rheumatism and diuretic and effective treatment of constipation because it contains a large amount of fiber and its juice protects against typhoid,


Watermelon seeds have a high nutritional value because they contain 42% of protein weight, about 15% sugar and starch and about 27% of melanin recommended not to increase the consumption of melon for people with diabetes.




100 grams of melon contains 95 percent water weight - 70 milligrams of protein - 2 milligrams of fat - 6 grams of sugar - 50 milligrams of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B2 and much more mineral salts than melons.


The cantaloupe is useful for diuretics, blood tonic and helps in the treatment of kidney diseases and gout. The cantaloupe also removes constipation, fights hemorrhoids, and warns that it is eaten in large quantities so as not to cause rotting of the intestines. It is recommended not to eat melon for diabetics who have diabetes or have severe intestinal infections or indigestion.




100 grams of figs contain 40 milligrams of sugar, 20 milligrams of fiber, 50 milligrams of protein, 30 milligrams of fat, 2 milligrams of calcium, 50 milligrams of iron, vitamin C and vitamin B1. It also contains a lot of mineral salts such as phosphorus.


The fig is considered to be an astringent, laxative and diuretic and is useful for chest diseases, gastrointestinal disorders and urinary tract.





Contains 100 grams of pears, 80 percent water, 2 grams of acid, 2 grams of fiber, 4 grams of fat, 15 grams of sugar, and many minerals, such as phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper, iodine, arsenic, sulfur, high potassium and a wide range of vitamins.


Pears are a powerful cleanser for the stomach and intestines. Their skin is rich in mineral salts and the sugar in them does not affect people with diabetes. Pears also help to relieve high blood pressure because it contains magnesium. People with intestinal diseases are advised to peel the pears before eating them because the crust is slow to digest.


reda ahmed mokhtar
par reda ahmed mokhtar , senior clinical dietitian , VLCC





 Apples are a great fiber source, but the skin contains quercetin, an antioxidant that packs antihistamine and anti-inflammatory power, and therefore may help protect you from heart disease and possibly allergic reactions. A study from St. George's Hospital Medical School in London found that people who eat five or more apples a week have better lung function than those who don't. So slip an apple into your lunch bag today.


Bananas This Superfruit is loaded with potassium, which can lower your blood pressure, and is one of the best sources of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism. Grapefruit


Remember The Grapefruit Diet? Grapefruit is a Superfruit, but more for your heart than your weight. A grapefruit a day—particularly the ruby variety—can help keep heart disease at bay by lowering cholesterol, according to several studies. The redder your fruit the better; they contain higher levels of antioxidants.




Consider cantaloupe your secret weapon for smooth, younger-looking skin. It gets its Superfruit status thanks to Vitamin A and its derivatives, which boosts cell reproduction, making it a natural exfoliator, according to Glassman.




Cherries are one of Glassman's unsung heroes of the Superfruit world. They owe their deep red color to an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which can reduce inflammation and lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. In a recent study, University of Michigan researchers found that giving cherries to lab rats reduced two common markers of blood vessel inflammation by up to 50%. The cherry eaters also gained less weight and experienced big drops in cholesterol.


Citrus fruits


All citrus, from limes to tangerines, are chock-full of vitamin C, fiber, and small amounts of other nutrients and disease-fighting chemicals. It's the C that makes citrus a Superfruit, says Glassman, because this vitamin counters the effects of sun damage, regulates oils glands, and can even prevent age spots.



What makes grapes a Superfruit? A powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, which promotes a healthy heart. Researchers have also found that compounds found in grape seed extract seem to help slow Alzheimer's disease (at least in mice) and can clobber head and neck cancer cells grown in the laboratory. Oh, and forget bleaching your teeth. "The malic acid in grapes naturally breaks down stains and discolorations on teeth," says Elisa Mello, DDS, assistant clinical professor at New York University. Snack on grapes that are just ripe, because the acid declines as the fruit ripens.




These tart and tasty gems rank in the top 10 for antioxidant power, according to the USDA, and they are specifically rich in polyphenols, the same family of antioxidants found in green tea, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancers, and osteoporosis. Blackberries are also number one for fiber: One cup delivers one-third of your daily target of 25 to 35 grams a day.





If you've got digestive gripes, then kiwi is your Superfuit. In one study, 41 people who had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) consumed two kiwis a day for six weeks and reported a reduction of symptoms compared to those who didn't. One theory: Kiwi, especially the skin, is high in fiber and pre-biotic complex carbohydrates.




If you manage to eat just one medium orange, then you'll already have your reached recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which keeps your immune system humming. This familiar sweet fruit is also a great source of fiber, potassium, calcium, folate, and other B vitamins, so take one with your everywhere you go.



Plums are yum—and they may help keep anxiety at bay. Plums contain an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid, which, according to French researchers, is linked to decrease in anxiety-related behaviors in mice.




Pomegranates deserve their Superfruit status. The juice from this gorgeous fruit beat red wine to win first place in a list of beverages ranked by antioxidant levels in a University of California, Los Angeles study.However, if you are set on fresh pomegranate over juice, wait for winter; the fruit is at its best between September and February.




Strawberries are bursting with vitamin C; just a cup full and you've already reached your recommended daily intake. They are also an excellent source of folic acid, which can help protect your heart. Easiest of all, they whiten your teeth naturally! Crush a strawberry to a pulp, then mix with baking soda until blended. Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for 5 minutes. Reapply once a week.




Yup, these are a Superfruit (remember, fruits have seeds, vegetables don't). Packed with monounsaturated fat and fatty acids, avocados can help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while raising the amount of good cholesterol in your body. The healthy fats in avocados also promote the absorption of other carotenoids—especially beta-carotene and lycopene—which are essential for heart health.




Fiber is not something that these berries are lacking; just half a cup would give you 4 grams. You'd also get 25% of your recommended intake for vitamin C and manganese too!


Pumpkin & pumpkin seeds


Yes pumpkin is actually a fruit! This squash is overflowing with beta-carotene, which combined with potassium may help to prevent high blood pressure. If making homemade pumpkin pie is too much trouble, try tossing the seeds into salads, soups, etc.




Watermelon is packed with lycopene; in fact just one cup of the stuff has more than twice as much compared to fresh tomato. At just 40 calories per cup, it's also a source of vitamins A and C. You needn't limit yourself to eating watermelon alone; grill and then toss with feta and fresh mint.




Not only does pineapple add juicy sweetness to your meals but it also contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down food to reduce bloating.




The tomato pretty much tops our list of Superfruits (even though some people still think it's a vegetable). Tomatoes pack a sought-after antioxidant called lycopene, which is rarely found in other Superfruits, and they're high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and super-low in calories.






Banin Shahine
par Banin Shahine , Clinical Dietitian , Bloom Aesthetic and Laser Clinic

Every Fruit has its own nutrition value, we always ask people to eat a rainbow every day, it means, we need to eat one a color of fruit or vegetable, as each color represent a nutrition value and benefit of the body:

- Red color, imporant for blood, eye health,

-orange-yellow color, antioxidant.

-white color boost immune system

-blue-purple color, increase the age of the cells

-green, cleans and detoxify the body


we have a lot of fruits that is high nutrition value and low in sugar(low GI), such as berries, kiwi, apples, watermelon,

Fig, kiwi and apple because it is a basic source of vitamins and minerals

Shaik Sayed Md  Rashidul Hossain
par Shaik Sayed Md Rashidul Hossain , Deputy Manager , BRAC

Thanks for your good question! 


From my point of view Mangoes is the one the most useful fruits because it enhances our body immunity. Mangoes are becoming increasingly popular among nutritionists due to their exceptionally high levels of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A to promote bone growth and a healthy immune system. Even more, these exotic treats are packed with more than 50 percent of your daily vitamin C—that’s more than oranges provide.

Asif Ahmad
par Asif Ahmad , Professor , PMAS-Arid Agriculture University

Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. These Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are underconsumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise that we eat a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. And according to USDA’s dietary guidance system MyPlate, half of our plate should consist of fruits and veggies. For a 2,000-calorie diet, it advised that we eat two cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of veggies each day.

Watermelon, which is especially terrific this time of year, offers a juicy, sweet taste and a high water content, while packing in the antioxidants lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, and the minerals potassium and magnesium.

Citrus fruits, including oranges and grapefruits, provide a significant source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium, as well as fiber. Pink grapefruits are particularly rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Eating these fruits whole yields more nutrients than drinking the juice.

Avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which may help raise levels of HDL (good cholesterol) while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol). They are also high in the antioxidant vitamin E.

Grapes. Consuming grapes may reduce the risk of blood clots, lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), and prevent damage to the heart’s blood vessels, aiding in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure. Antioxidants called flavonoids may even increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind). The resveratrol found in the skins of red grapes may interfere with cancer development. Eating the whole fruit instead of consuming the juice contains the added benefit of fiber.

govind govindsinghrawat
par govind govindsinghrawat , contemporary Indian chef , Indian


Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits you can eat.

Not only are they nutrient dense, they also contain powerful plant compounds that are responsible for most of their health benefits.

The antioxidant levels in pomegranate have been shown to be three times higher than those of green tea and red wine.

Studies have also shown that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce the risk of cancer.

Bottom Line: Pomegranates have wide-ranging health benefits. They are incredibly high in antioxidants and other plant compounds that can help reduce inflammation and prevent disease

Mussaenda Mejico
par Mussaenda Mejico , R and D / NPD/ Compliance/ Food Technologist , Al Islami Foods



With feasibility of utilization of all its by-products.

Vasyl Volodko
par Vasyl Volodko , Personal trainer , Metalist Fitness Center

In my opinion it can be Bananas, because it is the fruit on which you can`t have or receive any allergy reaction.

Ayswarya Pandian
par Ayswarya Pandian , Naturopath, Acupuncture physician , Jindal Naturecure Institute


I natural antioxidants at its best and it is an anti-carcinogen. It is a very good source of ferritin which helps in effective haemogenesis.

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