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Tania Korshun
par Tania Korshun , Medical physician , Cherkasy regional narcological dispensary

Помогает предотвратить застой желчи слепое зондирование,его надо проводить каждую неделю,если нет конкриментов больше 2 см.Утром принять желчегонное (настой травы,артишока расторопши и др,можно минеральну воду с желчегонным эффектом,богатую   сульфат магния) положить грелку под правый бок и полежать 1 час.

Avoid fats in diet by replacing it with olive oil ,eating fruits and vegetables 

Fadumo Jibril
par Fadumo Jibril , staff nurse , Rashid Hospital

Adapting Health life style and balanced diet is the key

Avoid  the food high in saturated fat


Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

eating a diet rich in fibre

ways to avoid gallstones:


Gallstones are the remaining gastrointestinal fluids that can be avoided by eating a diet rich in dissolved fiber in the water and without resorting to fatty food.


A small sac is running the right side of the abdomen and under the liver pear body.


The contents of the sac is a digestive fluid known as bitterness secreted inside the small intestine.


The cyst stones vary in size. It is as small as a grain of sand and the big as much as a golf ball.


The gallstones may cause obstruction of the bile duct, pain, inflammation, and therefore impotence, and the factors affecting the formation of these stones are many, including:

Aging, weight, genetic and ethnic factors ... and can be avoided by following a healthy diet rich in melted fiber

In water, as follows:


* Eating lots of fruits:

Preferred fruits to avoid gallstones: apples, pears, grapefruit, lemon juice and red watermelon. They are characterized by their high fiber content

Limit blood cholesterol and convert cholesterol

Without formation of gallstones.


* Fresh vegetables:

Eat fresh vegetables such as carrots, celery, artichoke, beets and spinach. Also broccoli, radish and oak.


* Replace oils or fats with olive oil:

Olive oil is distinguished from other oils in terms of lack of unsaturated fat, which is the proportion of what is not even in butter.


* Increasing the consumption of grain by its intake:

The increase in the intake of cereals by their intake or peel in the reduction of blood cholesterol, of these grains referred to barley, as well as wheat with its husk, it helps to avoid the injury gallstones.


* Bring garlic and mountain radish to the food:


To avoid gallstones, we can smell the food by using garlic and mountain radishes.


* Drink plenty of water:

Increasing the amount of water you drink every day will be trickled down by water, releasing oxygen and pushing toxins into the body.


* Avoid consumption of foods saturated with fat:

Avoiding consumption of saturated fat helps avoid gallstones. Many animal products such as red meat, milk, chicken eggs, cheese and processed meats may increase cholesterol and cause injury

gallstones .


* Avoid eating foods rich in spices and fat:

Fatty or high-fat diets can help avoid gallstones. Such foods may increase the secretion of gallbladder, causing inflammation of the biliary sac or gall bladder sac.


* Avoid consumption of starchy plants:

Avoiding the consumption of starchy plants such as corn and soybeans, in turn, contributes to avoiding kidney stones. Their consumption may over time lead to the formation of gallstones.


* Avoid soft drinks:

The continued use of soft drinks may result in the formation of gallstones.


* Regular sports:

Regular exercise contributes to reducing cholesterol and maintaining regular blood circulation, preferably sports such as walking,

bicycle riding .


* Reduce stress:

Reducing stress can help prevent gallstones ... This stress can be reduced in various ways including: entertainment, meditation and observation exercises,

 Massage and aromatherapy.


* Consumption for supplement of vitamin:

Complementary vitamin intake is also beneficial

To avoid the gallbladder loss naturally. Consuming this supplement each day may activate blood circulation and the digestive system.

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