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Also known as NAT. It is a technique used to map private IP addresses to one or multiple public IPs. This helps the ISP as ISPs have only limited customer IPs.
NAT is the process (operation) used to connect two networks together and translate the private addresses in the internal network into fully qualified public addresses.
Usually, this operation performed on routers (network layer).
NAT is the proccess where a network device assigns a public address to a computer inside a private network. For instance, sharing private to private or private to public to limit the number of public addresse in an organization.
NAT is adress translation of the IP adress so for example one local network can share a public ip-adress for internet connection.
It works in Layer 3 of the osi model modifying the IP Header
NAT is called as Network address translation. NAT connects two networks together and translate the private address
NAt is Translation from One ip to another. Whether from Private to private, Private to public IP, from Public to Private & vice-versa.
Network address translation usually called as NAT. NAT connects two network together and translate the private address
nating allows router to share single public ip to multiple local network devices.
exp: squid server
Network Translation Address is a method of remapping one IP into another by modifying the network address information in IP