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How can daily fitness exercises put me in a good mood and boost up my energy?

Question ajoutée par Lana Oudeh , PR Coordinator , Al Ghanem
Date de publication: 2017/07/18
Yahya Bah
par Yahya Bah , Principal & Marketing Consultant , International Community

Fitness exercises can make you healthy creating a healthy mind. A healthy mind implies a happy mind with high self confidence and energy.

Vasyl Volodko
par Vasyl Volodko , Personal trainer , Metalist Fitness Center

It has long been proven that regular exercise helps to feel well and improve health. They reduce excess weight by bringing it to the "natural ideal". Correct cardiovascular activity promotes the development of cardiovascular muscles. The corresponding physical load promotes the development of posture. And proper nutrition improves your well-being and give you energy for the whole day.

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

You must always remember what exercising is. Most people do not. They think in terms of "1" and not in terms of "3". When we exercise we exercise "our body, our mind, and our spirit", One can not exist without the other. For example, when you do a bicep curl (or Scott curls) you have to concentrate on form and execution...not just curling the weight. The form is everything when you exercise. The better the form the better the targeting of that specific area of the body in which you are training in. All bodybuilders concentrate on reduces the chance of injury and bodybuilders can not chance on getting injured. If so, their careers in professional body building are over. one muscle tear or pec tear that's over. When you train on a regular basis and train in a formatted style (meaning a designated training system) such as Split routines, Double Splits, Circuit training, Cross training. Muscle training programs for specific parts of the body (such as Abs, Low back, Quads etc). Through time you gain increased mental outlook and better energy flows combined with proper diet, the results will speak for themselves within 6 weeks of a designated training platform..REMEMBER>>>NEVER OVER DO IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING OUT> TAKE YOUR TIME AND LEARN WHAT YOUR BODY IS TELLING YOU 24/7. Learn what your body is and not what it is not.

Energy levels will go up and down. This is normal, so do not be alarmed if you get into a "slump" and your body feels drained all the time. This means ( if you are a beginner in all this) that you are pushing too hard and there is not enough recovery time between workouts; and or your diet is not the right one to be on. Stay off "starchy foods" they are hard on the digestion and can cause fatigue. Get plenty of sleep after a training session. Rest is essential in the recovery of body stamina. Understand what "body mechanics" is, and what it is not. Never guess in training, this always leads to injury and ignorance. Keep your programs smart nothing more than 8~ 10 reps per exercise as a beginner. When you get more advanced, then you change things up to increase/decrease reps etc. It gets very technical from here so here is where I stop. Hope this helps you.


Benefits of Sports Psychologically:

- Exercise improves the appearance of our bodies and adds beauty to them, and increase

Self-confidence in man.

- Sports is the best weapon we kill the passive leisure time, and we are overwhelmed by the boring routine and feel by it fun, excitement and happiness.

 This in turn reduces the chance of suffering from various mental diseases, especially depression and other diseases, and thus will strengthen our immunity against various physical and social diseases.

- Sport gives us greater ability to discipline and control stress and stress in our lives. It helps us to sleep and treats insomnia, negative thinking and sedation. In short, it is our psychiatrist who brings us inner balance and gives us psychological comfort, which is reflected positively on all aspects of our lives.

Physical and physical benefits of sport:

- Sport strengthens the muscles of the body, and improve the appearance of the body and beauty, to become attractive and wonderful without the need for expensive cosmetic operations.

- Sports increases the activity of blood circulation, metabolism in the body.

- Sports opens the appetite, and at the same time we get rid of the defects of our meals by removing the damage and beyond the need for our bodies, they get rid of the body of excess fat, and consume excess calories.

- Sports protects against chronic diseases such as heart disease, arteries, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and gives us an ideal weight on a plate, and fights obesity and obesity which is the key to all health evil.

- Sports protect against joint problems such as roughness, bone problems, and increase strength and flexibility. Sports strengthens the immune system in the human body so it is the first line of defense against diseases in various forms and types.

- Sports helps the body to remove harmful waste better. It also delays the age of old age and protects against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's. In this aspect, we are aware of the activity in which we see many older leaders in Western countries who play sport and look much younger than their real age.

Benefits of sports at the mental level:

 - Sports activates the mind, and increases the intelligence of all kinds, especially social intelligence, and mental intelligence motor. It increases memory activity and strength, because it increases brain activity positively.

- Sports improve the strength of observation and promptness, and gives the human ability to focus, and reduce the rate of mental distraction significantly.

- Interest in sports increases students' academic achievement, leaves them bored from the dry curriculum and increases the social and mental development of students. Therefore, schools try to take care of sporting activities during school hours. Not only that, but there are many large companies in developed countries such as Japan Ask their employees to do a common sports activity before and during work; to increase their employees' abilities and productivity and break the routine that may get them bored. In short, you can not get a sound mind without a healthy body, and you can not get a healthy body only with sport!

Benefits of sports at the social level:

- Sports increases social intelligence, because it helps you to make strong friendships and social relationships with many people, such as competitors, colleagues in the same team and coaches ... Etc.

- Sports The person gains great qualities, such as patience, endurance, self-confidence, willpower, perseverance, activity, leadership, values ​​of honest competition, cooperation, planning and altruism.

- Sports Learn to respect the laws, rules and regulations; because most sports have laws and rules must be adhered to. It also saves society from very serious pests, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, immoral crimes resulting from mental illness, and a large number of negative spaces, especially among young unemployed people.

- Sports positively affect the social relations within the family because most family problems are caused by the concerns of life and pressure, as well as produced from leisure time, especially in times of holidays, and thus the sports activity strengthens relations within the family, and the most beautiful that encourages the head of the family members to do sports together With each other so as to increase the bonds of love between them all, and even to protect them from the problems of inactivity and perseverance and long sitting in front of the means of modern technology, which brings many of the tragedies of health in the near and long term.

 Tips for exercising sport :

- Decorate your room with inspirational messages about fitness, health and sports and paste images that are also linked to your goals and favorites and all that makes you excited and motivated.

- Eat a light meal containing carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and iron from fruits and vegetables, such as the authorities and a little fat and fiber, and avoid foods containing refined carbohydrates or a lot of sugar to maintain the stability of sugar in the blood.It is recommended to eat this meal before exercising at least three or four hours, to give the energy necessary to maintain good performance during the exercise on the one hand, and avoid the feeling of slow performance because of digestion of food may exhaust the energy requiredto pass the exercise or lead to diarrhea or colic in the stomach On the other hand .

- You can resort for a snack

Before doing aerobics in a short time to prevent the dispersion that may be caused by feeling hungry while exercising, and help you maintain blood sugar.

It is best to have a small, digestible meal consisting mostly of carbohydrates and a little protein.

- Put a list of your sports goals on your computer or mobile phone or set the alarm clock on your phone to remind you of your sports schedule and convince yourself that you need training without justification on the pretext of forgetting.

- Keep your sports bag always ready for you in the office or in the car and change your clothes and wear sports before leaving the house and go to the gym, which will affect the nature of your feeling and provide you with motivation.

- Take your close friends to motivate you to exercise and increase your enthusiasm.Escorting friends when you go to exercise will make the exercises more enjoyable and less boring and will inevitably increase your desire to practice more and motivate each other and follow the movements accurately so that you can do

In any exercise to the fullest.

- Take care to change the place of exercise where it is preferable to practice jogging or walking abroad twice a week and three times on the electric jogging machine in sports clubs to prevent boredom from exercising daily.

- Make sure to make some changes to your exercise method and adopt some diversification

In your sports program from time to time, preferably to swim with walking

Running or cycling . Aerobics, Pilates and Yoga are recommended twice a week.

- It is preferable to take a day off from exercise every week, preferably this appointment at the end of each week to calm the muscles, and also prefer to undergo massage sessions from time to time to relax the muscles.


Sherif Shabaan
par Sherif Shabaan , Green Riyadh.. Site Civil Engineer , Al Fahd Company

The work of daily sport is one of the most important things of life, because it helps to the clarity of mind and fitness

Shadi Faour
par Shadi Faour , Qualified Family Doctor , Jordanian MOH

very good answer

Ogochukwu Augustine Ujomu
par Ogochukwu Augustine Ujomu , Sport Club in Doha... , Qatar Sport Club

Eat healthy, train with in a group of positive people who train and push you on doing better.

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