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If asked, what would your current employers say about you?

Question added by Bernadette Tablate , Sales Officer , Momentum Logistics LLC
Date Posted: 2017/08/21
احمد  البابلي
by احمد البابلي , دكتوراة في التاريخ والحضارة الاسلامية - معلم دراسات اجتماعية - دراسات إسلامية , مدرسة الاقصى النموذجية

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what employers say as long as I trust my abilities and what I do to the best of my ability. I love learning and I love to benefit. Life is a school and every day you learn something new. I believe that when the manager in charge of me sees that, he will understand that I am raising the head of the institution high.  

Mazen Asiri
by Mazen Asiri , مشغل نهاية طرفية , وزارة الدفاع

احب التطوير في مجال العمل 

احب العمل ظمن فريق واحد او اسرة وحدة لكي نبدع ونواصل الابداع 

Ahmed Abdelkader
by Ahmed Abdelkader , مدخل ومدقق بيانات , ايجيبت فودز جروب

Trustworthy, patient, and loyal

Hesham Adam
by Hesham Adam , طبيب بيطري صحة عامة , الهيئه العامه للخدمات البيطريه

ask them (why twenty five letter)

hasan ghazala
by hasan ghazala , أستاذ دكتور ) في الترجمة واألسلوب , جامعة أم القرى

They feel proud of my scientific production (32 books & 76 research papers in my field of specialism

وليد أبواليزيد
by وليد أبواليزيد , رئيس قسم اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية & مسؤول تطوير وظيفي & أستاذ مناهج وطريق تدريس مساعد MEDIU , Kuwait English School & MEDIU


This is a common interview question designed to understand how you perceive your performance and relationships at work. Here's an effective way to structure your response:

1. Highlight Strengths with Examples:
"My current employers would likely describe me as highly dedicated and proactive. For example, I’ve consistently gone above and beyond to meet deadlines, such as when I led a project to [specific achievement], ensuring its success despite tight time constraints."

2. Emphasize Positive Interpersonal Skills:
"They might also mention my ability to collaborate effectively with team members and resolve conflicts. I’ve often been the one to mediate and maintain harmony within the team, especially during challenging situations."

3. Mention Growth and Feedback Receptiveness:
"They would probably say that I’m very open to feedback and focused on continuous improvement. For instance, I actively sought input on [specific skill or project] and used it to enhance my performance."

4. End with Confidence:
"Overall, I believe they would see me as a valuable team player who consistently delivers results and fosters a positive work environment."

Mohammad ALmogdad
by Mohammad ALmogdad , مدير الموارد البشرية , وزارة الصحة

مهتم بالعمل والعمال وصادق في عمله ومحب له ويسعى الى الأفضل 

by , معلمة , مؤسسة عامل

نرحب به بالإنضمام للعمل معنا يستحق الإحترام و التقدير

Ibrahim  Sabry
by Ibrahim Sabry , سائق الشاحنات الإنشائية والخاصة , جامعة القاهرة

متخصص يستحق الاحترام والتقدير.. ونرحب بانضمامه لفريق العمل معنا

Amr Sobhy
by Amr Sobhy , سائق , أكادمية النيل اللعلوم

لا أدرى ماذا يقول عنى الآخرين

ولكن على يقين أنى افعل وسأفعل دائمآ ما هو صحيح فى حق نفسى ولا أظلم الآخرين حقوقهم

Laxmi Mangali
by Laxmi Mangali , Mapping , Wipro Limited

18500  as per monthly salary based

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