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ما هي حدود العلاقة بين الاحترام و بين التصريح بالرأي المخالف و بأقصى درجات الاحترام امام مديرك المباشر؟ خاصة اذا كان ممن يعتد برأيه و يرى في مناقشته انها تحدي لسلطته؟ هل سيكون هذا التصريح بالرأي قلة احترام؟ أم يكون الصمت عن الخطأ المحقق جبن وخيانة للامانة الوظيفية؟ What is the difference between the respect and saying an opposite opinion openly but with the maximum possible respect to your direct manager? Specially if he was an overbearing manager who think that any other opinion does not support his opinion is a clear confrontation with him? Is this saying conflict with the respect? Or it is a cowardice and disloyalty of your job to keep silent?
عندما يطرح مدير المؤسسة موضوعا للنقاش أو قرارا قد أتخذه فبالتاكيد تكون هنالك وجهات نظر مختلفة , ولا يعني ذلك أنه عدم احترام من الموظفين تجاه مديرهم بالعمل وأنما يكون ذلك بدافع أيجاد الحلول المناسبة أو بمعنى أخر الوصول الى الأفضل من حيث النتائج المرجوة من ما أتخذ من قرارات تنصب أيجابا على المصلحة العامة .
الاحترام شئ يجب توافره فى اى شخص فى اى منظمة عملية وبالاخص مديرك فى العمل اما بخصوص الراى المخالف فيرجع هذا لحدود العلاقة بين الموظف والمدير واذا كنت ترى وجهة نظر اخرى او راى مخالف فيجب ان يكون للافضل وليس للاسؤ
Expressing your ideas and views to your direct manager is not related to respect; in general respect and politeness must be the boundaries in the relationship between the entire employees. That is why expressing the ideas either to your direct manager or to your subordinates or colleagues must be in respectable manars.
Respect is a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected (e.g., "I have great respect for her judgment"). It can also be conduct in accord with a specific ethic of respect. Rude conduct is usually considered to indicate a lack of respect, disrespect, where as actions that honor somebody or something indicate respect. Specific ethics of respect are of fundamental importance to various cultures. Respect for tradition and legitimate authority is identified by Jonathan Haidt, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, as one of five fundamental moral values shared to a greater or lesser degree by different societies and individuals.
Respect is both given and received. We expect other people to respect us in return for the respect we show them. Respect is also something that is earned by the standards of the particular society in which one lives. Respect cannot be measured as a quantity, cannot be bought or traded; it is one of those things that is earned and built over time, but it can be lost with one stupid or inconsiderate act. One can ask or beg for respect, but only others can bestow us with respect as a result of their perceived treatment by us. Continued caring interactions are then required to maintain or increase that original earned respect. Respect cannot always be seen or observed by actions, but for those who practice chivalry, the outward display of respect is refreshing. Some women view this as patronizing and demeaning, but in its pure form chivalry is about nearly absolute respect.
Respect should not be confused with tolerance, since tolerance doesn't necessarily imply subordination to one's qualities but means treating as equal.
The antonym and opposite of respect is disrespect.
If you are disrespected by the boss or from the manager than win him/her by honesty.
When your manager like your work opinion it means both of you respect each other.
سؤال رائع ونتعرض له كثيرا :
يجب أن يكون الجواب بكل احترام وبطريقه دبلوماسيه نبدأ بها بالبدايه كتلميحات عن الموضوع فاذا وجدنا فيه بعض القبوول ندخل بصلب الموضوع وندخل بأدق التفاصيل واذا كان هناك اختلاف بالرأي أو انحياز لفكره ما ممكن أن ننصرف لعملنا مباشره
good question:
first of all the answer must be diplomatic and using topic about the subject and if we see yes we go inside it and handle all details, if we see the boss say not ,we must go to our work as soon as possible .
نتفق اولا على ان الاحترام كما ذكر احد الاخوة امر ومخالفة الراى امر اخر -بعد ذلك مسالة الاعتراض تعتمد على شخصية من امامك وكيفية الطرح ايضا
You can say an opposite opinion to your manager with respect, so they have a complementarity role between them.You can express your idea to your manager with diplomacy and more trust to convince him.So respect is the essentiel factor to transmit the message
الإختلاف في الرأي لايفسد للود قضية
أقول رأيي بكل صراحة دون تجريح أو إهانه
وعندما أقول رأيي ليس بالضروري انه الصواب فقد يكون الأخرين لديهم أراء اكثر صوابآ مني
ولكن يجب علينا جميعا احترام اراء الأخرين حتى وان كانت مخالفة لارائنا وتوجهاتنا فعندما اقول رايئ انا لا افرضه على الاخرين والعكس
صحيح فهذه قناعات ولكن لايجب عليه الغضب أو التهكم والسخرية والتطاول على الأخرين لمجرد طرح رأي .
وايضا من باب عدم احراجه امام الاخرين أطرح أرائي عليه شخصيا بمعزل عن الأخرين وله حرية الاخذ بها من عدمها.
Every person should show respect to each other. Respect for those in a higher position should not be any different, however, how you approach a difference of opinion and how it is said can be seen as disrespectful if the body language, eye contact and tone of the voice is not appropriate.
I never speak to anyone any differently than I would expect to be spoken too
Good luck
اولا الامانه تقتضى عرض وجهه نظرى مع الاحترام واستذانه فى ابداء وجهه نظرى والتأكيد اننى سوف اقوم بما يراه بعد عرض وجهه نظرى التى هى للصالح العام فقط