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The latest cyber-attack took place in Russia and Ukraine was a ransom-ware called 'Bad Rabbit', how do we protect against these vicious attacks?

Question ajoutée par Mohammed Amine Chelihi
Date de publication: 2017/10/25
Hatem Abdullah alamri
par Hatem Abdullah alamri , Senior IT Strategic Planning Analyst \Head of ITSMS committee , Taibah University

brief about 'Bad Rabbit'

  • 'Bad Rabbit' has planted on legitimate websites and appeared as Flash player update installer.
  • it is preventable attacks as ther are patches that can fix the vulnarability that may exploited by Bad Rabbit'on Victim machine

prevention tips :

  1. Do not install any update for flash player from any website even if it legitimate.
  2. Install updated advence Anti Malware
  3. Back up data and store it in the known islotaed storage
  4. keep operating system patched and updated
  5. apply Security patches and hotfix for ransmware

Joseph Rostam
par Joseph Rostam , Sales Engineering , Vetirbic

Bitdefender Antimalware1 can clean and defend any future attacks of these kinds of malware.

Nikolay Stefanov
par Nikolay Stefanov , Senior Expert IT, directorate of Information and Communication Technologies , Bulgarian Posts plc

Recommended: Used  at newest updates and OS latest version Windows 10.

- Do not install any update for flash player from any website even if it legitimate.

- If we in a corporate network must have stronger firewall and antivirus server with admin console

Muhammad Nishaf Zahid
par Muhammad Nishaf Zahid , Trainee Network Engineer , DHA

Following are the solutions

!) Real Time updates detect injections on websites compromised to serve the attack

2) URL categorization for domains and strings that are hosting malicious components

1- Don't click on a banner prompt you to install Adobe Flash installer .

2- Install and download lastest uptade for your anti-virous program.

3- Keep your system updated. 

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