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Please be with your job and do not lie in an interview rest of everthing is fine you need not to learn new thing just for the preparation of an interview. Companies only interested to know who you are and what you can do.
1- having REST before it
2- being elegant
3- foucing on what i know and who i am
My personal opinion there is no need to prepare for the interview for the job, especially if you are a provider of post that fit with your qualifications must be welaiati subject nature of any complexity, but better to deal with the matter simply and smoothly of course without diminishing the importance of the subject, of course, the most important thing to focus on knowledge and experience for the job of
* before even applying for a job you have to be sure that you can do the tasks given and mentioned within the job discription
* then if it went well, you will have to do a research about the company you are going to work with, such as what they do, from when they do that, how big they are, do they have a vision or not, and what is their work policy, its not a must to know everything just have an idea about what they do, so you would know what field you will be working in and on what scale and if you and the company will be good "added value to each other"
* if there is something you aer not sure about, such as stuff you can't do from tasks given just say so
* listen and understand then answer what ever they ask you for "short, to the point nice answers with a nice smile"
* be clear, to the point and feel free to ask when the interview ends
You have to know everything about the position you are applying for. Read the requirements and job description very well and try to apply most of the required parts on your skills. You have to be mentally and physically prepared. Sleep well, be confident. You can even stand in front of the mirror and pretend that you are in an interview. Read the most common questions asked for this position in an interview. Dress formal and try to apply the etiquette of the conversation, how to present yourself and how to sit.
إن المقابلة في العمل هي خطوة مكملة للسيرة الذاتية فمن الأفضل الأهتمام بها أكثر وتبدأ باللبس الأنيق المرتب والمريح وباللباقة بالحديث والتحدث بكل صراحة والأجابه بطريقة سلسله ومختصرة وواضحه بعيداً عن التوتر والخوف كما أن شعورك بالثقة وأبتسامتك تضفي جواً من التآلف بينك وبين الطرف الآخر وبالتالي تكون المقابلة عبارة عن تعارف بسيط بينكما
Remember, everything has a reason in life, including an interview. An interview is the employer's way of selecting the right applicant from a group of equally-qualified candidates. An interview is an elimination process, whereby the winner receives a job offer.
Job interview preparation tips including how to get ready for a job interview, how to take time off to interview, what to bring to a job interview and more advice on preparing for job interviews. There are four main objectives of an interview. 1- The employer wants to know if you're a good fit for his/her company.2- You want to sell yourself as the ideal candidate and you want to know if the company is suitable for you and your career goals.3- An interview is your opportunity to tie your skills and experience directly and enthusiastically.4- An interview is also your opportunity to assess the company. Things You Should Do To Prepare For a Job Interview:Create a Resume, Do Your Homework, Know Where You Are Applying, Prepare a Cover Letter, Do Practice Interviews, Look Professional, Be Early and trust yourself.
To be calm, to have more confidence in what you say, you improve your self, to be honest, to convince the interviewer, to be you even, to describe your career with pride to give them ideas about your personality,your experience, explain your ceativity and the most that you can brin the company, your strengthness.
بالاجابه على كل تساؤل قد يخطر في ذهنك قبل التفكير في الاسئلة التي سوف تطرح عليك
الاستعداد الكافي لموعد المقابلة وخاصة الاستعداد النفسي عدم التوتر وقت المقابلة ألاجابة المختصرة والذكيةألاهتمام بلغة الجسدالتركيزوالانتباه مع الابتسامة الخفيفة.