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How can I deal with students who are too shy to participate in clase?

Question added by Zain Khater , Project Supervisor – StartUp Project , Injaz
Date Posted: 2018/01/11
israa alabdallah
by israa alabdallah , Mathematics Teacher , ALGhadeer School

Ask them simple questions with easy answers . Be friendly to any answers you get from any shy  students. Whenever there is a speaking exercise divide your class into groups or pairs and  put the shy student with those who are more open to participate. Also praise the shy student's performance or answer in order to motivate him to participate more often.

Abdallah Quffa
by Abdallah Quffa , Teacher , The Palestinian Ministry of Education

Ask them simple questions with easy answers . Use the grouping method in yoiur class by dividing them in groups. In each group you have to place a good and active student. Enroll the shy student in one of those tiny groups. Be friendly to any answers you get from any student , and be always thankfull for their answers.

Nisreen Issa
by Nisreen Issa , Manager

Once I had a shy student, so whenever there is a speaking exercise I divide my class into groups or pairs and I put the shy student with those who are more open to participate I noticed that this motivates the shy student to speak up especially after he is given - along with his peers- a sufficient time to prepare the answer. and of course I don't forget to praise the shy student's performance or answer in order to motivate him to participate more often.

Ahmad  AlMaghariz
by Ahmad AlMaghariz , مترجم , Knowledge Point

working in groups is the best way to help shy students to communicate and get rid of their shiness

Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD)
by Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD) , University Lecturer, Freelancer Consultant and Trainer for Int'l Business & Banking TF. , FreeLancer

Thanks for invitation,

Try to share him with other students in all activities and in public discussions, , encourage him to be more positive in answering questions, without blaming or criticizing him, even when he has some wrong answers, also encouraging him to share his colleagues in all social activities in order buildup some special friendship.

Azlina M Lazim
by Azlina M Lazim , Psychologist , Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Try have a look at Pavlov Classical Conditioning. Then identify what is the natural stimuls for a student. Younsters normally love fun. Pair the fun with the activities that lead to the desired behavior. For example, activities like pairing public speaking, short sketsa about the topic covered. Match the desired behaviours achieved with the positive reinforcement, praising, hands clapping, token economy etc. Come and attend my Psychology classes.

Ghulam Mohyiddeen
by Ghulam Mohyiddeen , Assistant Manager Fueling & Audit , (ZTE) Zhongxing Telecom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.

Talk to them seperately, encourage them by appreciating their personality strengths... ... Better to let them Start with informal demonstrations in small groups of their friends

Ahmed Omar Abd El Maguid
by Ahmed Omar Abd El Maguid , HR Manager – Sohar Factory , AATCO

The shyness is basically due to fear of imbaresment, so if you start with something only between you and him/her, and he/she got incoraged, then involve one or tow student with you, then it will breack the spell - hepefully.

Arslan  Naz
by Arslan Naz , E-Sales executice , Prestige marketing

Simply, try to arrange a session with them , and before this tell them the answers in private, for one or two time, after that ask the class to clap for them, and when all it will be done for 2 or 3 times, start motivating them, mold their behaviour towards the class, the wil feel easy to participate ..

Mohamed Fawzi Mohamed
by Mohamed Fawzi Mohamed , Marketing and Personnel Development Officer , Arabian Rocks Industry Co.

For the shy student and the little participation in the class you can motivate him significantly to increase his participation and focus on him and ask the question without his colleagues and thank him and make students applaud him when he answered correctly, but if the answer is wrong, thank him for participation and to show the students that he was brave and answered the question has approached the answer Correct.

In the end you should encourage him to participate whether the participation is true or false.


  To be an example for the rest of the students not to fear the error

Mwalimu Mwalimu
by Mwalimu Mwalimu , academic teacher , green pasture open school

Well there are different teaching methodologies and strategies to be implemented such as to provide presentation to the group of which every student will participate include the shy one

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