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What should be the maximum and minimum slump of concrete?

If on-site slump test fails, should engineers allow the contractor to continue the concreting works?

Question added by Hamza Muhammad Bakhsh , Quantity Surveyor , Engeering Kinetics (pvt) ltd.
Date Posted: 2018/01/15
Jalal Hussein Ali Musa Al'omari
by Jalal Hussein Ali Musa Al'omari , Civil Engineer , Local Office

In case of a dry sample, slump will be in the range of 25-50 mm. But in case of a wet concrete, the slump may vary from 150-175 mm. So the value of slump is specifically mentioned along the mix design and thus it should be checked as per local location.

Recommended slumps:

Reinforced foundation walls and footings:

a. Maximum Slump 75mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm


Plain footings, caissons, and substructure walls:

a. Maximum Slump 75mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm


Beams and reinforced walls:

a. Maximum Slump 100mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm


Building columns:

a. Maximum Slump 100mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm


Pavements and slabs:

a. Maximum Slump 75mm

b. Minimum Slump 25 mm


Mass Concrete Mix:

a. Maximum Slump 75mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm

marvin montubig
by marvin montubig , crane opeator/driver , prolog cons.

maximum 125cm minimum 75cm

Babar Shahzad
by Babar Shahzad , Quantity Surveying , KBD PVT LTD

maximum 100cm minimum 75cm

Hadir Youssef
by Hadir Youssef , مهندسه مكتب فني , الفتح للانشاءات المعدنية

It varies  from country to country  and also depends on the type of the of buildings


sleem  orabi
by sleem orabi , Site Project Manager , Sarayya construction company

 you should follow the condition of your country 

Youssry  Maatouk
by Youssry Maatouk , HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST , Abu Shaibah Group of Companies & Est.

a. Maximum Slump 75mm

b. Minimum Slump 25mm


shahid mahmood ali muhammad
by shahid mahmood ali muhammad , QC engineer , Saudi consulting services (saud consult)

gernal concrete slump 75 cm +-25 cm with out pump concrete if add chemical then depend on concrete desgine

Ahmed ElSayed Ali Ahmed Abdulaliem
by Ahmed ElSayed Ali Ahmed Abdulaliem , QS Engineer , Al-Joudah For Contracting

for all structure elements : maximum 75mm and minimum 25mm

but beams,columns and walls : maximum 100mm and minimum 25mm

Mahendra Pratap
by Mahendra Pratap , Supervisor , Stencil Engg. Pvt. Ltd

 If it's consolidated any other way, the slump should be 5 inches or less. 

Saddam husain AssocRICS
by Saddam husain AssocRICS , Project Quantity Surveyor , Alsaad General Contracting company

100 + & - 25

max 125 mm

min 75 mm

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