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As a freelance translator, what would you do when a client is dissatisfied with your submitted translation?

Question added by Lina Samer , Digital Media Graphic Designer , iDirection
Date Posted: 2018/01/28
ورد جوري
by ورد جوري , مدربة الفنون والابداع والابتكار بمراكز الأطفال , مركز مغيدر للفنون- مركز لين آند ارت -مملكة الابتكار

I am not an interpreter. I can not answer a specialty other than my specialization in arts and handicrafts only

Ahmad  AlMaghariz
by Ahmad AlMaghariz , مترجم , Knowledge Point

first you should discuss him to know what made him dissatisfied ...then if he is correct you should improve your translation to meet his demands

Deleted user
by Deleted user

 I'll follow ......thank you for your invitation

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