First set plan of the flight i.e departure and accordingly arrange flight crew 2 hours before departure and arrange all necessary documents for cockpit crew check all other departments are ready before start boarding passenger. Check file flight documents to ATC.after all this you will realse the flight to destination.
Ali Patrik Eid , Admissions Advisor , University of the People
Get down to their level: Literally, get down on one knee in the aisle. This position is less threatening to passengers
Listen: Most passengers just want to be heard. That's it.
Keep calm: Do not raise your voice. Stay in control
Just the facts: Ask what the problem is and then have the passenger suggest a solution. Keep emotions at bay.
Excuse yourself: A new face is new energy. If you're not getting anywhere with a difficult passenger, remove yourself from the situation and ask a coworker to step in. Even though a coworker may tell a passenger the exact same thing you did, they could get a completely different response.