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Bounce Rate :
Your Bounce Rate is the percentage of people who leave after viewing a single page. A high bounce rate is not a good thing–for whatever reason, people aren’t finding what they’re looking for so they leave almost immediately.
Exit Rate :
Your Exit Rate is the percentage of people who leave after viewing any particular page. Your exit rate lets you know the last page that users view before they move on. A very high exit rate on a specific page can be a red flag if it is not at the end of the conversion funnel.
Exit rate for a particular page is the percentage of visitors last in that session based on the number of visits for that page and bounce rate is the percentage where a visit is made to that particular page but did not access to any other page from there.
Bounce rate is typical visitors who landed on your site and left without any action. If you have high bounce rate, it can be interpreted as the content on the site or the design is not relavant to the keyword/intent/referance material through which they came here. However, Content sites, like blogs and magazines would have high bounce rate, not because they are not relavant, but most of the time, visitors read the content that they land on and leave the site without further clicking or actions. Technically, this is also counted as a bounce. Now you can set up event and other desription to avoice such situations in Google Analytics or other web analytical solutions..Exit rate baically shown rate of visitors exited for each page.. A very high exit rate on a specific page can be a red flag if it is not at the end of the conversion funnel.