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Copy Writer, Copy Reader & Copy Editor role... is to assure a certain editorial content is written properly from all angles; journalistically, linguistically, technically, grammatically (where it applies), artistically (where it applies) & factually (also where it is expected to apply) - lets not forget consistency as well... in the case of English for example, we can not have parts of the content follow British English and parts that follow North American English and who knows if other parts follow Lala Land English... Also, in Arabic, for example... some platforms use slang terms from the Arab Middle East and others from Arab North Africa. And if this involves another language to go with it, it is the same.... and sometimes, it is not about "IF", but should as well have another language with it, especially the native language of the source or publication or or...
Copywriting is the process of writing advertising promotional materials. Copywriters are responsible for the text on brochures, billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogs, and more. This text is known as “copy.” ... That's why a copywriter is often referred to as “a salesman in print.”
The ad process always starts from the client when he drops a request for an ad, then the creative director drafts an idea, here comes the copywriter the person who writes the text of the ad... Then the art director puts the copy in a visual, and the proofreader comes after to make sure there's no spelling or any other mistakes.
1) Copy Writer : The copy writer is the person who write or translate any kind of advertisment with his/her ideas and experience.
2) Copy Reader: Copy reader look out the whole story of the writer, and forwarding it to copy editor.
3) Copy Editor : The Copy editor has the responsiblty to check out the speeling, grammer mistakes and edit it on the right direction as a story.
Copy writer captures the essence of the intended message giving it expression through content writing in a manner which strikes a chord with the target audience by capturing their mind space. The Copy Reader brings an independent check matching the Advertiser's objectives with te creative content copy. The Copy Editor brings in the executional boundaries due to media & legal constraints on the creative message. Thus the output after this process will be a message which communiactes the Advertiser's intended message for the Target Audience in a striking manner within all permitted operating constraints
The role of a copywriter is to write out the content for whatever it is the company wants to advertise, however, in their writing the need to understand the target audience is essential to the success of the copy. Information such as gender, age brackets, professional background(s), level of eduation, etc. This way the copy can be crafted to resonate directly to them - speak using the same words they would, fused with emotional triggers to invite them to take action. A copywriters job is very pyschological, the finisned product is written, but to write that requires specific strategy.
As for the copy reader.... I'm not sure .
The copyeditor would naturally revise the copy to make correct any grammatical/spelling errors and ensure the flow of the copy is relevant what is trying to be acheived through that advertisment. The end goal is essential.