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How can you set objectives with your staff members if you haven't even had PDR with your own supervisor?

Question ajoutée par Hana Tayseer , Human Resources Assistant , Al-Bidaya International for Consulting
Date de publication: 2018/11/28
Eid Bashabsheh
par Eid Bashabsheh , Production and Planning Manager , Industrial Co. for suspension ceiling solutions and building material

I should know my objectives then seggregate those objectives on the team based on their competencies and job titles

Magy Demirjian
par Magy Demirjian , Hospital Administrator , Al arz hospital

I should align my staff objectives as their job titles in the company

Pranjal Parikh
par Pranjal Parikh , Strategic Manager - HR & Admin , BIMAGE Consulting India Pvt Ltd

I would align my Staff members objectives as per their job profile in line with the company policy & strategy 

Marinela Sheme
par Marinela Sheme , Human Resources Manager , Wow Digital Agency

It all starts with the company strategy; The managers should know how to set a goal and idealy have rhythmitic evaluations taken place, in order to react flexibly to changes and actually identify any possible past problem. Flexibility is important.

This is how we'd set verifiable goals for the future and know how to share the objectives on the team based on their job titltes and capabilities in align with company policies. 

Analyn Fontanilla
par Analyn Fontanilla , Administrative Assistant , Gulf industrial services company

Keep it simple. Be open-minded and not to be affected by their personal feelings and opinions. Focus on your objectives that you know you can achieve in the given timeframe.

Nithin P Neelan
par Nithin P Neelan , Technical Support Engineer , IDC TECHNOLOGIES SOLUTIONS INDIA PVT LTD

First of all divide the objectives to the staffs according to their ability and make it as a team work. After completing the team objective make understand the staff about their up's and down's in a comfortable manner. So that they can try to improve their performance in the coming objectives  

par MUHAMMAD BELAL , Procurement & Logistics Manager , Al Bonian Facilities Management Services LLC

I must know my objectives first, then explain to entire team and assign them based on their skills, knowledge and job responsibilities. Guide/coach them through out the period, implement Balance-Score-Card and monitor progress and appreciate them accordingly.


par MOHAMED ASHRAF CHOLASSERY , Senior Document Controller , Gulf Shipping Maritime Est

Goals that are stretch­ing and chal­leng­ing are great but warn employ­ees of the dan­gers of set­ting goals that are com­plete­ly unre­al­is­tic giv­en the time and resources avail­able. If you have any employ­ees who have issues with per­fec­tion­ism, this is cer­tain­ly some­thing to be cau­tious of. Over time, your employ­ees will get a mea­sure of their own lim­its and their rate of progress, but in the mean­time, man­agers have to step in to ensure employ­ees aren’t over­tax­ing them­selves. This will only lead to objec­tives not being met, dis­ap­point­ment and frus­tra­tion for every­one involved.

Raphael Jameson
par Raphael Jameson , Electrician , Shayona Cement co-operation

I would align my staff members objectives as per their job title according with company regulations

Mohammad Anwar Hossain
par Mohammad Anwar Hossain , Interpreter-or-Translator , New Al-Asad Translation

I shall take simultaneous steps reciprocal consultation  with chairman & stuff

houssem khazri
par houssem khazri , Freelance Video Editor , sintegra consulting

first of all i should set goals that align with company objectives and then emphasize attainable goals .

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