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What are the demotivating constraints of workstations and how to release them from these constraints?

Question added by Nadjib RABAHI , Freelancer , My own account
Date Posted: 2018/12/02
Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD)
by Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD) , University Lecturer, Freelancer Consultant and Trainer for Int'l Business & Banking TF. , FreeLancer

Thanks for invitation,

I do believe that, the main demotivating constrains of the workstation are usually arise from the "work environment" itself, and how the senior management relationship with their staff. Consequently and in order to release these constraints, senior management has to mainly apply all justice and transparency rules with their staff, in addition to share them in all possible activities that affects their moral positively on a regulare basis. 

Stephen Sarpong
by Stephen Sarpong , Supervisor , SARPS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, TECHIMAN

Treats and insults are some of the demotivating coonstraints at workstation and to release these constraints, the cause of it must be fish out and posible solution such as praising one for work done as a means of motivation can help all employees to have a positive attitude at work.

osama sbaibeh
by osama sbaibeh , Industrial Engineer (logistics And Supply Chain) , coca cola

In the first place, I think that the restriction on how to deal with employees according to their location in the company may cause a number of problems, when you get rid of these bad methods of dealing and getting closer to each other there will be an increase in work, I believe the production will improve.

The use of threat rather than motivation leads to a fear factor that in turn distracts us from focusing on work.

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