1 - encourages creativity and innovation
2 - respect the time
3 - effective regulation
4 - everyone in the community knows his role well and the desired goal of it and how to achieve
5 - cooperation .. trust and respect between individuals
6 - solving problems in a scientific manner and intellectual
7 - directing and controlling successful
8 - permanent development and continuous performance improvement
9 - ethics and conduct
1-Respect for time
3-Culture of the community
4-Political stability
5-Religious values
6-Fair competition
7-Respect for women
8-The substantive interpretation of things
9-Equal Opportunity
خصائص المجتمعات المتطورة اداريا
احترام المرأة في مكان العمل.
التفسير الموضوعي للمور وعدم تحميل الغير المسئولية في حالة الفشل.
تكافؤ الفرص والعدالة الجتماعية.
العلقة المتميزة بين المنظمات ومراكز البحث العلمي والجامعات.
- Humanity
- Tolerance
- Commitment to educate the community
- Respect for Women and Children
- Equal opportunities for all castes and creeds
- Community centric rules and regulations
- Motivation to work for each other and collective efforts
- Scientific research oriented environment
- Acceptance
- Diversity