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موظف لمدة 3 سنين و تقاضى إجازتين مدفوعة الراتب في السنة الأخيرة لم يطلب إجازة و لا يرغب في تجديد عقده وقبض راتب 12 شهر من أخر سنة هل ايضا يحصل على راتب اجازة ضمن المستحقات ... في حالة حصوله على راتب اجازة سيصبح قبض راتب 13 شهر في سنة واحدة هل يحق ام لا؟ في انتظار ردكم .. شكرا جزيلا
If the contract condition's between the employer and his employee cleary state that the employee entitled to have an annual leave with additional payment equal to his montly salary , so the employer should comply with the contract condiions and fullfil his obligation by calculating the un paid auual leave amount in addition to the employee's final payment at the end of the contract priod.
The employee has an annual leave that he did not get and he worked the whole year without getting that leave.