A speech should be interesting and by interesting i mean smooth, short and simple. It should contain an interesting amount of information as well a clear message about the topic or the event in question. If the audience is listening and interacting then the speech is clear.
Speeches highly depend on the topic and the audience. They can vary from being general to very specialized. But a successful speech shouldn't be very long and it should keep the audience interested with a message that is clearly reflected to be easily conveyed to the audience.
Farhan Kamal , Sr. Manager Marketing , ITSec Limited UK
Rule of thumb is, in most cases, being boring then exciting is better. When you are talking to the media/press ensure that each word is carefully thought out in way that makes it difficult for the media to quote it "out of context".
Being humble, closer to the truth, is always appreciated by the listeners / readers.
Last but not the least, the speech should read like a short interesting story.
Do not quote controverislal books, topics, personalities etc.
Hope this helps!
Kokab Rahman , Managing Director, Head of Business Development , Radeya Business Services http://www.radeya.biz
First of all you need enough information on the topic. Then, after researching the topic and getting enough information, decide on the angle. Afterward, make an outline of what you want to say. Start with an introduction, followed by a few main supporting points with details, and ending it with conclusion or your thoughts.
Audience - tailor speech to fit the audience. The audience will appreciate it and more likely remember speech.
Beware of current controversies to avoid.
Complete in good time. Prepare, Plan and Practice. Bring own individual style to speech, remaining professional all the time.